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Emob78: TinyE, you're really letting us down here. Everyone knows that you have to abandon the entire internet for a few days if you wanna stay spoiler free on a movie, especially a Star Wars movie. This is internet 101 stuff. Don't be such a noob, brah.

Having said that, spoil away. I'm not going to see that POS anyway and have no problem with shitty things being spoiled. I consider crap spoilers to be a public service announcement.
tinyE: I'm not mad I know the ending, I'm mad that this fucker decided it would be fun to come in here and do that.

Yeah it's just a silly movie and after tomorrow there will be another silly movie and that's fine. What isn't fine is that people who get their rocks off doing shit like this are roaming the planet. This is the kind of guy that is going to head to the shopping center this weekend and tell little kids there is no Santa Clause. Of course there isn't but what is the fucking point ruining it for little kids?
mate aint you supposed t o b e the fucken big hardman

troll king some thing around here? and now your become

the forum nanny :P
So I saw the movie for the second time. During my second time, I noticed a very important clue about Rey, which is hidden in a very early dialogue in the movie, (or is it a monologue?)

Rey: "Where do you come from?"

BB-8: "Boop, Boop."

Rey: "Classified, really?"

BB-8: "Beep."

Rey: "Me too. Big secret."

That seems to be a foreshadowing subtext. Later, when Rey discovered Luke's lost lightsabre, she has a flashback. it is heavily implied in her flashback that her memory of her past had been altered and tampered with. In addition, her skillful command of the Force and a lightsabre suggests that she must have had some prior training in using the Force and a lightsabre. So, who had erased and altered her memory? And why? Where did she really come from?

As Rey herself unknowingly revealed and foreshadowed in her dialogue with BB-8, her origin is a classified big secret, which we will find out in the sequels, most likely at the end of the second movie or the final movie of the new trilogy. When the entire trilogy is completed and released in four or five years, we will look back and realize, wow, the hint was always there in the first movie! That first meeting and dialogue between Rey and BB-8 has a hidden meaning all along!

Then I realized... Holy shit.

The movie mentions that a student of Luke had gone on a rampant at the Jedi academy and slaughtered all the other students at the academy. That is mentioned at least a couple times, in a fast-paced movie that barely mentions or explains everything else once. So that must be a particularly important plot point to be mentioned more than once. Strangely enough, no one in the movie has explicitly said that Kylo Ren was that student who had killed everyone at the academy. We were led to assume that Kylo Ren was that student.

What if... that student was actually Rey and not Kylo Ren.

Think about it: That would certainly explain why her memory was erased, why she was exiled to a desert planet as a punishment, why she could be skilled in commanding the Force and a lightsabre seemingly without any prior training, and why her flashback has a memory of her being surrounded by slain apprentices. She was the apprentice who slaughtered everyone at the Jedi academy! That will be a shocker when it is revealed at the end of the second movie!

I expect the middle movie to have a big shocker twist revealed at the end. Most likely, the groundwork for that plot twist has already been laid in the first movie, (just like how Luke was told about his father in Episode IV but not the whole truth until Episode V.) So, the groundwork for the twist in this new trilogy has already been laid in this first movie: we have been told a mystery student had killed everyone at the academy but not the whole truth. The big twist could be the student will turn out to be Rey, who was wiped of her memory after the massacre.
Post edited December 21, 2015 by ktchong
ktchong: snip
So your theory is that, in the same way this movie is a rethread of A New Hope, Episode VIII will be a rethread of KOTOR?

I think that would be interesting, but I find it much more likely that they'll just remake Empire Strikes Back and have Luke tell her "I am your father".
ktchong: snip
DaCostaBR: So your theory is that, in the same way this movie is a rethread of A New Hope, Episode VIII will be a rethread of KOTOR?

I think that would be interesting, but I find it much more likely that they'll just remake Empire Strikes Back and have Luke tell her "I am your father".
Rey being a Skywalker does not preclude her from being the student who had killed everyone.

Anyway, it was just a thought. I could be very wrong on that one.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by ktchong
I'm not going to join the conversation as I just watched the film and am still digesting the experience.

Instead I need to get something off my chest: I feel sorry for every single individual who might inadvertently stumble upon any of the spoiler-infested parts of the 'Well Star Wars 7 is almost upon us' thread. Thanks to a certain arrogant, smug-faced, selfish prick I was robbed of those precious first-time emotional responses of shock and surprise that, partly by way of recall, affect any subsequent viewings. Now, I try not to wallow in the ever so tempting cesspool of human hatred and belittlement that incessantly haunts our virtual social sphere... but I will say this to the proud dimwit: karma is a bitch and I hope she'll ride you sideways till the cows come home.

A huge heartfelt thanks to <span class="bold">Breja</span> for his attempt to quell the fire and prevent it from spreading while trying to instill a healthy dose of good-natured doubt and repression into our thoughts. Although in the end it didn't make much of a difference (we all know the prick in question is a certified troll - and while watching the film it all too quickly became obvious that the infamous post did contain a real spoiler), I greatly appreciate the reassuring gesture of a kind and thoughtful human being. Thank you Breja.

What I really don't get, aside from the fact that the user has yet to be banned and the posts get removed (in spite of the amount of negative reputation points and reports), is that others keep the spoiler alive by quoting the full text and/or even confirming the spoiler itself upon viewing the film. I fully understand their emotional response but what the hell were they thinking?! Ignoring and reporting the bastard as well as making sure the spoiler was neither repeated nor discussed any further would have been the best way to deal with it. Instead they unintentionally ended up encouraging the prick and helping him ruin the experience for others.

I'm glad <span class="bold">tremere110</span> had the decency and common courtesy to create a properly named thread dedicated to discussing the entire film while helping fellow excited cinemagoers avoid any spoilers. Thank you for that tremere110.

Finally, I'm appalled at all the users who feel the need to make snide, self-absorbed remarks about people who happen to enjoy either Star Wars in general or this new film in particular. What's the deal with all the prejudiced generalizations and vitriolic outbursts?
Post edited December 21, 2015 by Lemon_Curry
ktchong: no one in the movie has explicitly said that Kylo Ren was that student who had killed everyone at the academy

What if... that student was actually Rey and not Kylo Ren.
I thought it was explicitly said that Kylo did it? Might be I'm misremembering, it was midnight after a long drive to get to the theatre after all. I do think the "memory wipe" theory is more than possible too, since her abilities came from nowhere and like I said elsewhere, it sounded like the Capital A in Awakening when Snoke said it had deeper meaning than simply being aware of the Force. What if she had powers that had been but to sleep on purpose, if not as punishment for murdering everybody, then simply to stop Kylo from feeling her presence?

I was sure she was Solo's other child but now I'm leaning towards her being Luke's daughter after all. Honestly, I'm surprised I care this much about the movie, considering I was ambivalent about it before I watched it.
low rated
Lemon_Curry: Thanks to a certain arrogant, smug-faced, selfish prick I was robbed of those precious first-time emotional responses of shock and surprise.

What I really don't get, aside from the fact that the user has yet to be banned and the posts get removed
Spoken like a true grown up baby living in first world country suffering from first world problems.

Oh no someone talked about something minor that happens in a movie, oh no your head exploded and you have to make a long rant about something so ordinary.

You over-sensitive adult baby you.
I personally think that the movie is good. J.J. Abrams did a great job on making Star Wars: Episode 7 similar to Star Wars: A New Hope. I like how the movie introduces its characters, like how Finn was introduced at the beginning of the story.

What I dislike about this movie is the way Han Solo died. This doesn't involves any emotional connections that I had with this character since his debut in Star Wars: A New Hope, but moreover to the person that killed Han himself. To be honest, I'd rather see Han being killed by someone that was actually present during the first trilogy (not the prequels), than someone who is new in the Star Wars galaxy. But since not a single villain was indeed alive after the original trilogy other than Boba Fett according to the recent news, I decided to just go with the flow. Besides, I still got the feels and turned emotional when Han Solo had died in the movie.

One thing that I'm okay about is the lightsaber duel in the movie. The effects were great, the suspense, the atmosphere, the realism, etc. Some people who think the lightsaber duel in this movie is great might disagree with me at one point, but I'm more of person who enjoys battles being done by professionals (I'm referring to the lightsaber battles in the original trilogy, not the battles in the prequels where the lightsabers were the ones talking and the users dancing). I know, I know, I just a bit disagree with those people that say the lightsaber duel in Star Wars: The Force Awakens was the best among the other lightsaber duels that took place in Star Wars: Episode 1 - 6. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I respect their opinions.

Overall, I will give this movie a 9 out of 10.

I'm looking forward for Rogue One next year!
Post edited December 21, 2015 by Abovet
I really dug the new lightsaber effects. They looked heavy, scorching hot, and somewhat awkward to wield. No ninja flips or overly crazy moves, yay!
Lemon_Curry: What's the deal with all the prejudiced generalizations and vitriolic outbursts?

And by "they" I mean: George Lucas (because he sold it), Disney (because practically everything they get their hands on they destroy), and most of all JJ Abrams, because he IS "The Ruiner."
Post edited December 21, 2015 by drealmer7
Guys, I don't know why, but I feel like it'd be better if in Star Wars: Episode 7, a different climax happened instead of the one we get right now. So it started like this. the Resistance had no chance to defeat the First Order by destroying their new Death Star, and was forced to escape their base planet. This could be done with R2-D2 rebooting early before the invasion of the 3rd Death Star even took place. The Resistance finally found the last piece of the puzzle, and Leia ordered Han Solo and his crew to go find Luke in the first Jedi Temple. As General Leia together with the Resistance were now on their way to escape their base planet using medium transports, Han Solo and his crew fought their way against the imperial TIE fighters, trying to defend the medium transports from either being captured or destroyed. Once the number of the TIE fighters pursuing them had become few enough to stop the Resistance's medium transports from escaping, the medium transports and the rest of the starfighters that defended them, including the Millennium Falcon, started to go for a hyperdrive. There, I feel like we could still get the same amount of suspense, intensity, and actions coming from that space battle without having to destroy the new Death Star.

This is just my point of view on how to make this new Star Wars movie as similar to the previous original trilogy as possible, without having to take in all the aspects that made the sequels great. There is one reason why I told you guys all that, and that is because I found it quite odd that R2-D2 got to wake up after the invasion on the 3rd Death Star had finished. It felt like it was done on purpose by J.J. Abrams in a way that I really dislike about. I mean, if R2-D2 would finally wake up in the story, it could've woken anytime during the movie, not precisely in the end.

P.S.: I know my idea might not work in the end, since Harrison Ford was actually reluctant to do this movie (sorry if I'm wrong, but this information itself comes from many sources I've found in the internet). I guess killing Han Solo in the movie was for the best.
Post edited December 21, 2015 by Abovet
tinyE: I'm not mad I know the ending, I'm mad that this fucker decided it would be fun to come in here and do that.

Yeah it's just a silly movie and after tomorrow there will be another silly movie and that's fine. What isn't fine is that people who get their rocks off doing shit like this are roaming the planet. This is the kind of guy that is going to head to the shopping center this weekend and tell little kids there is no Santa Clause. Of course there isn't but what is the fucking point ruining it for little kids?
soxy_lady: mate aint you supposed t o b e the fucken big hardman

troll king some thing around here? and now your become

the forum nanny :P
the way you said that, it was hard not imagining a high seas sailing pirate saying it. Lol
All I know is that when the "Darth Vader in training" character first took his mask off, the movie just became "Spaceballs 2: The Not Made By Mel Brooks Sequel" for me :)

Also, there were way too many cringe-inducing moments in the movie for me ("I can teach you sooo much!" and Rey's "I know the Force" moment where she looked like she was downloading info from the force a la The Matrix..) but at least you can see that JJ Abrams did what he could to remove most of the excess fat from the universe to try and deliver a movie that was somewhat similar to the very first Star Wars movie.
ktchong: ...The Big Theory...
I could have sworn that some folks in the movie said that Kylo Ren did not train with Luke. Leia and Han said that they sent him away, I remember. But I think I remember them saying he wasn't theirs.

I'm not certain that Rey is the mass-murderer. I doubt it. But it's possible. There's sense to be made in your theory, but she herself knows and is expecting something on Jaaku, but won't get it. I think she knows what she was waiting for and her chat with the short light-saber-owning alien meant a lot more to her than to us.

All of that said, perhaps she knows things she has forgotten and that's what give her the "downloading the Force a la The Matrix" effect.

Anyhoots, I'm working on a translation matrix for BB-8. When it's done, I'll know exactly what was said! Muuuhahahahahaha!
JudasIscariot: All I know is that when the "Darth Vader in training" character first took his mask off, the movie just became "Spaceballs 2: The Not Made By Mel Brooks Sequel" for me :)

Also, there were way too many cringe-inducing moments in the movie for me ("I can teach you sooo much!" and Rey's "I know the Force" moment where she looked like she was downloading info from the force a la The Matrix..) but at least you can see that JJ Abrams did what he could to remove most of the excess fat from the universe to try and deliver a movie that was somewhat similar to the very first Star Wars movie.
I'm still waiting for someone to make a Star Wars parody where the Jedi's are a bunch of religious terrorists killing innocents in the name of the "Force" and the Empire are actually the good guys (led by two bad ones).