some of the thoughts that went thru my head when watching "this":
the same laser sound, like one squeezes a moutard/ketchup plastic bottle. or farts
the same clones army, that look like a million michelin mascots
the same masked villan, now in an emo variant, acompanied by a childish voice. I laughed almost every time he said something.
chrome bounty hunter(s) :) with the same childish laughable voices :) I must admit that it was hilarious, like seeing a parody
an awaken trooper, with conscience, out of thin air! Marked with 3 red stripes, adidas should sue. Now available in black :)
they say the bb8 was "adorable". I saw 2 rolling balls on top of eachother and heard nonsense-beep-sounds.
I was amazed how everyone could naturally understand its "language" :P
a mediocre and blunt looking female, with an oversized mouth covering oversized teeth putting a fake smile as a show, who definitely can't act and walks funny/weird, almost like having a handicap. Have you seen her girlish run? With useless and not appropriate for this part english accent.
shes not natural, the audience can feel her trying too hard but unfortunately not succeeding embracing her role (this female as lara croft? total disaster)
maz kanata ... yes, terrible voice choice again!
Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron with that ridiculous pilot helmet on - looked like oblio
leia, looking like ... dunno what but definitely fake.
when kylo ren took that helmet off I bursted with laughs, really that face, Adam Driver as the villain??? common, bad choices everywhere
lol at the first force rey uses, out of thin air! pathetic
I think general hux must be gay or something ...
Not That There's Anything Wrong With That https://youtu.be/9OH1yEnENG0 death star, again???
chewie was kinda boring with his eternal same moans/whines
tdlr: a collection of chlichees and old refurbished and (re)copied ideas, with bad-overall-acting as a topping.
This is a "performance" not higher than 6-7/10 max. 8.3/10 on imdb??? nuts!
I gave it 5/10 on imdb. And I feel I was generous.