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I had a moment of clarity about Kylo Ren.

Star Wars has used lightsabers as symbols before. Do you have one? Do you lose one? Does it break? What color is it?

And now we see the first time in the movies the "unstable" crystal in Kylo's. I think it's a symbol of him being unstable.

But I think there's another image there. When he battles, he holds an upside down cross. He hates goodness, and hate himself. It's why he covers his face.

But (here's my moment of clarity), if he lays down his arms, then his lightsaber is a cross -- a sign of redemption.

So I think his lightsaber is a sign of unstable, emotional, hate-filled violence, which when laid down, will yield his redemption. Then it's Jedis vs Snoke.
tinyE: My biggest laugh was when they ask Chewey if this is the famous Han Solo who fought for the Rebellion and he shrugs his shoulders. XD
Breja: And the scene when Chewie reminds Han to put on his winter jacket :D

Honestly, I think Chewie wasn't pissed enough when Han died. He should have gone totally berserk. THAT should have been the fina fight: Chewie grabbing one of those shock-clubs we've seen the stormtroopers have eariler, and going medieval on Kylo's ass. It would be one the most awesome things ever put to film, and no one would think it's lame that Kylo couldn't withstand that kind of force and fury.
I agree it also felt kind of weird to me. he should be be roaring and chasing dudes down and Rey having to plead with him to come back and they have to get out of here and him howling and reluctantly going along with her.
Tallima: I had a moment of clarity about Kylo Ren.

Star Wars has used lightsabers as symbols before. Do you have one? Do you lose one? Does it break? What color is it?

And now we see the first time in the movies the "unstable" crystal in Kylo's. I think it's a symbol of him being unstable.

But I think there's another image there. When he battles, he holds an upside down cross. He hates goodness, and hate himself. It's why he covers his face.

But (here's my moment of clarity), if he lays down his arms, then his lightsaber is a cross -- a sign of redemption.

So I think his lightsaber is a sign of unstable, emotional, hate-filled violence, which when laid down, will yield his redemption. Then it's Jedis vs Snoke.
good theories. I hate the phrase but it might be overthinking. I actually thought the vibrations to the sabre in this film were for all sabres. I thought there were going for a more weighty, visceral blade like you got in the originals and special editions back when they were still rotoscoping them before they just CGI'ed the lightsabres. as for his stupid sabre, I think it was just them trying to make a claymore. he's tall, and I think they thought "hey. he's tall! let's give him a claymore. he'll be so imposing." I thought he might swing it like an axe at one point. like, he just lets go of the sabre and then force mojos with his hands and then the thing flips around he starts swinging for the fences in these big axe attacks.

but yeah. I still it's just lame.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by johnnygoging
johnnygoging: I think it was just them trying to make a claymore. he's tall, and I think they thought "hey. he's tall! let's give him a claymore. he'll be so imposing." I thought he might swing it like an axe at one point. like, he just lets go of the sabre and then force mojos with his hands and then the thing flips around he starts swinging for the fences in these big axe attacks.

but yeah. I still it's just lame.
Ever since the sabre-staff in Phantom Menace they keep trying to do something more with the lightsabre, like fanfiction authors who want a lightsabre with awesomness factor over 9000. Rebels gave us literally reinventing the wheel with a rotating sabre-staff and a Star Wars version of a gunblade. Although I'll admit, the latter actually kinda makes sense in context.

I imagine a cinematic debut of the lightwhip can't be far behind.
Post edited January 08, 2016 by Breja
qwixter: I think she is Luke's daughter, and the recurring themes with the skywalker family is turning Star wars into a reality TV show.
DProject: To be frank, she could be anyone's daughter; I just finished reading a well-put Imgur post saying she could in fact be a Kenobi (Obi-Wan's granddaughter). I just don't know what to think anymore! Well...glad there's still two movies coming.
It's funny reading all the suggestions as to parentage of Rey. I personally hope they'll actually sever the family line, and accept there can actually be other force potent people in the world. They're making that world too small.

The funny thing though is that there's loads of speculation about the daughter of those that must effectively be "abstinent". This amuses me because I'm told that Lucas based the Jedi around Catholicism, and their "pure" lives, so I think it's amusing that all the illegitimate children are suddenly revealed. We just need the revelation that Luke buggered a choir boy.
Post edited January 08, 2016 by wpegg
johnnygoging: I think it was just them trying to make a claymore. he's tall, and I think they thought "hey. he's tall! let's give him a claymore. he'll be so imposing." I thought he might swing it like an axe at one point. like, he just lets go of the sabre and then force mojos with his hands and then the thing flips around he starts swinging for the fences in these big axe attacks.

but yeah. I still it's just lame.
Breja: Ever since the sabre-staff in Phantom Menace they keep trying to do something more with the lightsabre, like fanfiction authors who want a lightsabre with awesomness factor over 9000. Rebels gave us literally reinventing the wheel with a rotating sabre-staff and a Star Wars version of a gunblade. Although I'll admit, the latter actually kinda makes sense in context.

I imagine a cinematic debut of the lightwhip can't be far behind.
Empire Strikes Back - Yoda preaches to Luke about the passive strengths of the Jedi. 'A Jedi uses his power for knowledge and defense, never for attack.' <- It is after this point that any real meaning to the whole damn thing is lost.

Attack of the Clones - Obi-Wan handing Anakin back his lightsaber, 'this weapon is your life.'

Revenge of the Sith - Grievous arms himself with not 1 but 4 lightsabers as he goes into combat against Obi-Wan, and yet still loses.

Force Awakens - Claymore style handguards that light up. A completely untrained Rey uses a lightsaber like she's been wielding it from birth.

Yeah, one could make the allegation that maybe they've jumped the Jedi shark.
Star Wars has been moving incrementally from being silly to being stupid. It's a fine line, granted - but it's a line that should never be crossed.
DProject: - Snoke: now, I'm not sure if the character had already been established elsewhere before the movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if in the end of the new trilogy, it was revealed that Snoke was a very tiny being in reality. In the movie, we only saw him as a hologram and his size was maybe absurdly huge. Will Kylo Ren finally see the true form of Snoke, then realize he has been lied to the entire time he's been affiliated with the Order, then redeem himself and turn to the light side?
Nice idea that he may be a different size to his hologram, I think I read somewhere around in like a script breakdown he is actually big, 8 feet high I think it said, surely it couldn't be 8 metres. Still, I'm not 100% on that.

And just for the record everyone knows this was written by Lawrence Kasdan who wrote Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi right? If anyone knows how a new star wars is supposed to be, it's him.

I'm pretty sure they chucked a Death Star in there just to be sure.
Post edited January 08, 2016 by bad_fur_day1
One day the Sith will learn to build their death stars/planets so that x-wing fighters cannot fly into them.
qwixter: One day the Sith will learn to build their death stars/planets so that x-wing fighters cannot fly into them.
All they'd have do so is zip across the Galaxy a ways and ask their Star Trek neighbor if it was ok if they borrowed some Trilithium. Problem solved.
qwixter: One day the Sith will learn to build their death stars/planets so that x-wing fighters cannot fly into them.
Emob78: All they'd have do so is zip across the Galaxy a ways and ask their Star Trek neighbor if it was ok if they borrowed some Trilithium. Problem solved.
No need to go to star track universe. They can take a leaf from Yuuzhan Vong in Star Wars universe itself and make a biological Death Star

A missile strikes the heart via the ass hole? Well grow another heart then, or grow more then one heart.
Emob78: All they'd have do so is zip across the Galaxy a ways and ask their Star Trek neighbor if it was ok if they borrowed some Trilithium. Problem solved.
Gnostic: No need to go to star track universe. They can take a leaf from Yuuzhan Vong in Star Wars universe itself and make a biological Death Star

A missile strikes the heart via the ass hole? Well grow another heart then, or grow more then one heart.
Ah, the Yakuza Wong, yeah those guys chewed the end off the crap stick and ate it. The EU. Such ridiculous self-indulgent silliness. There was also those force repelling furby things that people would wear like fox pelts. Thrawn carried one around like a pet to give off the anti-force stinky fart smell or whatever. What were those things called? Y'marsillions icky-icky marsupials or some damn thing. Yeah, force repelling house cats. Splendid idea.

I kinda love it. Not the character, Just the fact that it's not any of the characters like Phasma or Maz Kanata, who were set up to be the sort of Boba Fett like breakout characters, but this nameless guy with one line that becomes a fa favourite :D
Post edited January 08, 2016 by Breja
Wow! That Star Wars Movie is bad! Going to avoid "Jar Jar" Abrams Movies in the future.
Loving the internet rage on Imdb. You could swear these guys don't really like spaceship battles and jedi lightsaber duels.

Luckily gamers are much more rational peoples. Hate it, eh I'll just go play another kewl videogame. Whatev's

I kinda love it. Not the character, Just the fact that it's not any of the characters like Phasma or Maz Kanata, who were set up to be the sort of Boba Fett like breakout characters, but this nameless guy with one line that becomes a fa favourite :D
Go home, Internet - you're drunk.