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The movie plot is weak.
It's like Episode 1 may be worse.
Maxvorstadt: Well, you can say what you want, but the second trilogy by George Lukas had at least new ideas.
But this new movie is just the same old shit in new clothes. So J. J. Abrams did it again: He again ruined a great SF-Franchise!!!
I call him "The Ruiner"
drealmer7: who did he bang? isn't having sex/falling in love paths to the dark side? (my biggest issue with the jedi ideologies, it makes no sense that LOVE would be a path to the dark side, farking ridunkulous)
Currently unknown.
And probably she has been killed by Kylo anyway.
I don't remember if love was completely prohibited.. maybe just for the disciples in training?

Maxvorstadt: Well, you can say what you want, but the second trilogy by George Lukas had at least new ideas.
But this new movie is just the same old shit in new clothes. So J. J. Abrams did it again: He again ruined a great SF-Franchise!!!
My same thoughts.

If I had to give scores:
- ep I is like 7 - 7.5
- this ep VII is probably 6.5 - 7

They ruined it for me with the Death Star 3, among all problems.
Watchable, but also skippable.
Post edited December 18, 2015 by phaolo
drealmer7: who did he bang? isn't having sex/falling in love paths to the dark side? (my biggest issue with the jedi ideologies, it makes no sense that LOVE would be a path to the dark side, farking ridunkulous)
phaolo: Currently unknown.
my guess would be that it is an incestuous love-child from Luke+Leia when Han wasn't giving it to her regularly enough because of his old age. Luke never has that problem because he can simply use the force to "make it go."

And we know how devastated they both were when they found out they were bro+sis and couldn't become lovers without causing issues at the box office.
Post edited December 18, 2015 by drealmer7
drealmer7: my guess would be that it is an incestuous love-child from Luke+Leia
Lol, that's a joke, right? XD
If not, remember that you're talking about a Disney product. :P
(also, what a crap Jedi would be Luke if he betrayed Solo and banged his sister?)
Post edited December 18, 2015 by phaolo
Well, I just got back from the cinema, here are some of my impressions.

There are some horrible casting decisions in the movie, most notably Adam Driver as Kylo Ren and Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux. I'm sure they're both excellent actors (I've never seen Adam Driver before, but I thought Domhnall Gleeson was fantastic in About Time and Ex Machina), but they are both completely wrong for the roles they play. General Hux is just mildly annoying and over-acted, but Kylo Ren is the worst. As the main bad guy antagonist, he's mildly intimidating, right up until the moment where he removes his (completely unnecessary) helmet and turns into a whiny, bratty, incompetent teenager for the rest of the movie.

I actually like the new stormtrooper armor very much (even though it's just as completely useless as it always was), with the exception of Captain Phasma's chrome version of it, which just looks ridiculous.

On the subject of stormtroopers, I like the fact that it is shown that there are female troopers, and that troopers can in fact be real people rather than just faceless drones. On the other hand, the fact that Finn is the only one of them who isn't a faceless drone, and who exhibits any kind of emotion seems like a lost opportunity.

Daisy Ridley is fantastic as Rey, even if the way the script treats the character is somewhat silly. She certainly makes the best of what she's been given to work with.

BB-8 is a surprisingly good replacement for R2-D2. The extra mobility makes for a more interesting character, even though it's still ridiculous that any droid lacks a voice synthesizer. On the other hand, it seems like most people have suddenly learned how to understand at least the basics of astromech beeps and boops, and while that's equally silly, it does obviate the need for another droid to keep him company and act as a translator for the audience (the role C-3PO played for R2-D2).

The visual design is fantastic. While the three prequels looked absolutely nothing like they were supposed to, that is the same universe as the original trilogy only thirty years in the past, the new one looks very much like the same universe as the originals, only thirty years in the future.
I'm so happy I saw the film on Wednsday at 10AM ^^^^^^
Ben solo, man that name alone killed the whole yuuzhan vong saga, thats like a slap to all the books and writers. Luke naming his kid after ben kenobi makes sense, but han and leia barely knew the old hag
Here's my take on it.

Things I liked:
+ Shipwrecks, especially the giant star destroyer
+ Han Solo and Leia
+ Some nice mini plot-twists (Kylo being Han's son, him being a wimp, etc.)
+ Finn. Liked the idea of a good stormtrooper
+ BB-8

Things I disliked:
- Kylo. The constant whining gave me the chills.
- Lightsabre combat. Nobody was really trained, so lightsabre action was kinda meh. (Although I guess Kylo shoulda been better)
- Kylo's sabre. I didn't have a problem with the 'design', but I expected it would play a role (besides burning Finn's shoulder)
- Han Solo's death. Come on. No punchline either.
- 3PO and R2. I didn't get the good old 'comedy due' feeling.

Things I don't understand:
? How do people turn into stormtroopers? What happened to all the clones? (Never watched the clone wars)
? Who the heck is Snoke? There should be two Siths at most at every given time and we saw them both die(-ish) in VI.
? What's happened between VI and VII? There's a HUGE gap.
popperik: ? How do people turn into stormtroopers?
At the time of the original trilogy they were recruited from the general population.
popperik: What happened to all the clones? (Never watched the clone wars)
They died out. The clone army was made in one go. The clones were genetically altered to age much more rapidly than normal people, in order to get the army ready quicker. As a result, they had a drastically reduced lifespan. After the original army, no more clones were made.
popperik: ? Who the heck is Snoke? There should be two Siths at most at every given time and we saw them both die(-ish) in VI.
Well, we don't know who he is yet. I've never bought into the weird prequel explanation of "only two sith at a time". It makes no sense. So I expect Snoke to either be Sith (although the movies have never explained what a Sith actually is), or simply a powerful dark side force adept.
popperik: ? What's happened between VI and VII? There's a HUGE gap.
Well, yes, of course there is. Just as there was between episode III and IV. Apparently the remains of the old Empire has been taken over by this mysterious First Order, led by Supreme Leader Snoke.
tremere110: You knew this thread was coming. So what did everyone think?

Oh and just to be sure, I'll put a big ol space here


My thoughts: it's a pretty good movie, but not a great one.

The good:

- They managed to make some pretty compelling characters in the new cast, in partcular Rey as the main protagonist.

- BB-8 is simply incredible. The old droids I've always found to be pretty "whatever", wouldn't care if they weren't there, but BB-8, through its practical and special effects, is instantly likeable and relatable. He's like the movie's Lassie.

- The lightsaber fight. Seems like they took to heart the criticism of the prequels of being over-choreographed, and in here they stumble and make mistakes, like they're really fighting for their lives, which makes for a more frantic and tense action scene.

- Harrison Ford acts for the first time in at least ten years, as opposed to grumble his lines and just play old man Harrison Ford. It's actually Han Solo in the movie. Of course, him dying at the end explains why he was so enthusiastic about this movie.

The bad:

- Overstuffed. You don't really have a time to breathe and get to know some of the characters and, because there are so many, some of them come off as glorified extras. Poe Dameron was very charismatic in the time he was on screen, but he was barely in this movie. Max von Sydow has a cameo in the first scene and is immediately killed. Captain Phasma intrigued me at first, I think it's first time we see a woman in the Empire, much less as a Stormtrooper, and it's a giant one to boot! But she must have less than ten lines in the movie, and is dispatched offscreen as part of a joke and reference to Episode IV. I don't even know if she survived the movie or not. Which leads me to my next point.

- Ineffectual villains. Phasma as mentioned previously. Lux, who I barely got to know and didn't really do anything as far as I remember. Kylo Ren, a whiny teenager who they try to make seem threatening but it doesn't last long. Worst of all is his mask, it's clearly supposed to emulate Vader (not a comparison you want to invite Kylo, trust me), which is reflective of his character, of course, but the fact that he doesn't need it at all makes it come off as cosplay. I had sudden flashbacks of weeaboos wearing Naruto bandanas and using words like "kawaii" and "daijoubu" in regular conversation. So you can understand why I thought he was pathetic.

- Too reminiscent of A New Hope. Starts with the bad guys looking for a droid holding important data in a desert planet, there's a giant superweapon in space that can blow up planets, the bad guy kills the mentor because he didn't put up a fight. There's even a cantina that is a wretched hive of scum and villainy complete with a jizz band (seriously, that's how they call jazz in Star Wars, look it up and laugh). Considering that Rey is probably Luke's daughter, we can expect Episode VIII to be a rethread of Empire Strikes Back, with its own "I am your father" moment.
Niggles: The way Han and Leia's conversation went - the impression i got as well was Kylo was their only child (ill have to see the movie again but i might have been hearing things but also got impression Kylo was Han's son but by someone else?).
Nope. Kylo is definitely Leia's son as well. He adresses Darth Vader's half-melted helmet as "grandfather" at one point, and Han (who is definitely his father) is not Vader's child, whereas Leia is.
I wept a little at the end. I thought that last shot was amazing.
It felt like I watched the first prequel all over again, without the same amount of "show don't tell" that it had, it was still good, though even if I got bored by the direction of it all.