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No Rey merch you say? :)

Might be not much, true, but the movie is just out.
Post edited January 06, 2016 by AzureKite
Han dialog that got edited out;

"It's true. All of it.

Except metachlorins, they're a bunch of bullsh*t.

Damn Yoda started that as a joke..."
Post edited January 06, 2016 by bad_fur_day1

There. You can all calm your tits now.
yes! I'm learning it now! they fucking did it! they fucking paid attention and The Rock will play black adam! it's been on the internet for years. namely, this

now the rock isn't the greatest actor at times. not knocking but he's no enter-fancy-actor-here. he's always getting better. he keeps improving. I am not knocking him. but in this case, his slightly hammish delivery and a bit force timing at times will only serve to compliment Black Adam-the-character's headstrong nature and innate obdurateness. his at times forced on-screen nature can blend into black adam's eccentricity and difficult nature. his natural masculinity and dynamic presence will also compliment Black Adam well and these things in combination with the fact that the aforementioned weaknesses or quirks to the Rock as an actor will be less of a downside here will mean at least I personally believe that he can really run away with this.

I'm not the best expert on the character as I haven't really followed the Captain Marvel stuff. but from what I've seen, Black Adam isn't a good guy. he's not even an anti-hero. but then, he's too old-school for anything "anti-hero" anyway. he's a guy that part of you can't help but like and respect, as the rest of you dislikes his actions and motivations as it also questions his integrity. but you cannot deny his resolve or that he follows a code which he will not resist when it asserts itself. it's just what that code is, how worthy it is, how malleable, is the thing with it. Black Adam a character of contradictions. of good, of bad, of dumb, of smart, of excellence, of failure. at least that was my read. I think this is a big win for the rock and I hope he completely fucking does a hat trick on this character.
johnnygoging: yes! I'm learning it now! they fucking did it! they fucking paid attention and The Rock will play black adam! it's been on the internet for years. namely, this

now the rock isn't the greatest actor at times. not knocking but he's no enter-fancy-actor-here. he's always getting better. he keeps improving. I am not knocking him. but in this case, his slightly hammish delivery and a bit force timing at times will only serve to compliment Black Adam-the-character's headstrong nature and innate obdurateness. his at times forced on-screen nature can blend into black adam's eccentricity and difficult nature. his natural masculinity and dynamic presence will also compliment Black Adam well and these things in combination with the fact that the aforementioned weaknesses or quirks to the Rock as an actor will be less of a downside here will mean at least I personally believe that he can really run away with this.

I'm not the best expert on the character as I haven't really followed the Captain Marvel stuff. but from what I've seen, Black Adam isn't a good guy. he's not even an anti-hero. but then, he's too old-school for anything "anti-hero" anyway. he's a guy that part of you can't help but like and respect, as the rest of you dislikes his actions and motivations as it also questions his integrity. but you cannot deny his resolve or that he follows a code which he will not resist when it asserts itself. it's just what that code is, how worthy it is, how malleable, is the thing with it. Black Adam a character of contradictions. of good, of bad, of dumb, of smart, of excellence, of failure. at least that was my read. I think this is a big win for the rock and I hope he completely fucking does a hat trick on this character.
What does any of that have to do with Star Wars?

Also, I believe this has been known for a long time now. And they're going to call the movie "Shazam", as the hero is now called, because Marvel :P And I'm going to be that guy who is still calling him Captain Marvel, and it will confuse everybody, and when I explain why I do that everyone will roll their eyes "can you believe that nerd" style.

Anyway, I just hope they don't make Billy Batson an asshole, like they did in the rebooted comics. They missed the whole point of the character so badly it's almost physically painfull.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by Breja
Linking trailer music, best music cue of 2015 for sure. It's some badass return of the empire millennium falcon flies again type sh*t.
johnnygoging: yes! I'm learning it now! they fucking did it! they fucking paid attention and The Rock will play black adam! it's been on the internet for years. namely, this

now the rock isn't the greatest actor at times. not knocking but he's no enter-fancy-actor-here. he's always getting better. he keeps improving. I am not knocking him. but in this case, his slightly hammish delivery and a bit force timing at times will only serve to compliment Black Adam-the-character's headstrong nature and innate obdurateness. his at times forced on-screen nature can blend into black adam's eccentricity and difficult nature. his natural masculinity and dynamic presence will also compliment Black Adam well and these things in combination with the fact that the aforementioned weaknesses or quirks to the Rock as an actor will be less of a downside here will mean at least I personally believe that he can really run away with this.

I'm not the best expert on the character as I haven't really followed the Captain Marvel stuff. but from what I've seen, Black Adam isn't a good guy. he's not even an anti-hero. but then, he's too old-school for anything "anti-hero" anyway. he's a guy that part of you can't help but like and respect, as the rest of you dislikes his actions and motivations as it also questions his integrity. but you cannot deny his resolve or that he follows a code which he will not resist when it asserts itself. it's just what that code is, how worthy it is, how malleable, is the thing with it. Black Adam a character of contradictions. of good, of bad, of dumb, of smart, of excellence, of failure. at least that was my read. I think this is a big win for the rock and I hope he completely fucking does a hat trick on this character.
Breja: What does any of that have to do with Star Wars?

Also, I believe this has been known for a long time now. And they're going to call the movie "Shazam", as the hero is now called, because Marvel :P And I'm going to be that guy who is still calling him Captain Marvel, and it will confuse everybody, and when I explain why I do that everyone will roll their eyes "can you believe that nerd" style.

Anyway, I just hope they don't make Billy Batson an asshole, like they did in the rebooted comics. They missed the whole point of the character so badly it's almost physically painfull.
it was on ign. it was on the main ign header on the ign page you linked. they have a list of DC heroes and villains and information about the movies that are coming up for them.

don't know much about the new comics. haven't read anything new in a while.
Little late to the party, but I finally saw the film and it was absolutely amazing. Only two small gripes:
- Fate of Kylo Ren? I mean, I would assume they will establish him as the next major villain after Vader (and Snoke after Sidious) and Snoke even said to the general to bring him to him. Thus I imagine he survived: but it would have been nice to actually see with our own eyes, how he managed to escape an explosion / collapse of that magnitude.
- Rehashed idea(s)? I mean, that's basically a third Death Star (even if it wasn't called that) we saw. Once again, it was destroyed by attacking the core.

And some speculation:
- Snoke: now, I'm not sure if the character had already been established elsewhere before the movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if in the end of the new trilogy, it was revealed that Snoke was a very tiny being in reality. In the movie, we only saw him as a hologram and his size was maybe absurdly huge. Will Kylo Ren finally see the true form of Snoke, then realize he has been lied to the entire time he's been affiliated with the Order, then redeem himself and turn to the light side?
- Rey & Kylo Ren: Siblings? The saber chose Rey, and before her, it always belonged to the Skywalkers. Sure, Kylo has Skywalker blood too, but he's evil. Maybe the parents who abandoned her, were Han and Leia? If Kylo showed signs of being evil already at a young age, perhaps they hoped this would make sure it wouldn't happen to Rey, too. Of course, I assume Kylo is a little bit older than Rey.

If my speculations would turn out to be correct, I must return to an earlier point: rehashed ideas? Or maybe I'm totally wrong and they actually came up (or will come up) with something more original. Nevertheless, great great movie. Very interested to see where the plot will advance from here. I just hope the wait won't get too long (like, five years).
I have seen the movie too! Now I am ready to open this thread, it's been bothering me from the first moments.

To quickly tell one fun part I loved the most, it was the thumb up from BB 8. i think I laughed loudest in the theater.
Dessimu: I have seen the movie too! Now I am ready to open this thread, it's been bothering me from the first moments.

To quickly tell one fun part I loved the most, it was the thumb up from BB 8. i think I laughed loudest in the theater.
My biggest laugh was when they ask Chewey if this is the famous Han Solo who fought for the Rebellion and he shrugs his shoulders. XD
DProject: Little late to the party, but I finally saw the film and it was absolutely amazing. Only two small gripes:
- Fate of Kylo Ren? I mean, I would assume they will establish him as the next major villain after Vader (and Snoke after Sidious) and Snoke even said to the general to bring him to him. Thus I imagine he survived: but it would have been nice to actually see with our own eyes, how he managed to escape an explosion / collapse of that magnitude.
- Rehashed idea(s)? I mean, that's basically a third Death Star (even if it wasn't called that) we saw. Once again, it was destroyed by attacking the core.

And some speculation:
- Snoke: now, I'm not sure if the character had already been established elsewhere before the movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if in the end of the new trilogy, it was revealed that Snoke was a very tiny being in reality. In the movie, we only saw him as a hologram and his size was maybe absurdly huge. Will Kylo Ren finally see the true form of Snoke, then realize he has been lied to the entire time he's been affiliated with the Order, then redeem himself and turn to the light side?
- Rey & Kylo Ren: Siblings? The saber chose Rey, and before her, it always belonged to the Skywalkers. Sure, Kylo has Skywalker blood too, but he's evil. Maybe the parents who abandoned her, were Han and Leia? If Kylo showed signs of being evil already at a young age, perhaps they hoped this would make sure it wouldn't happen to Rey, too. Of course, I assume Kylo is a little bit older than Rey.

If my speculations would turn out to be correct, I must return to an earlier point: rehashed ideas? Or maybe I'm totally wrong and they actually came up (or will come up) with something more original. Nevertheless, great great movie. Very interested to see where the plot will advance from here. I just hope the wait won't get too long (like, five years).
I think she is Luke's daughter, and the recurring themes with the skywalker family is turning Star wars into a reality TV show.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by qwixter
Dessimu: I have seen the movie too! Now I am ready to open this thread, it's been bothering me from the first moments.

To quickly tell one fun part I loved the most, it was the thumb up from BB 8. i think I laughed loudest in the theater.
tinyE: My biggest laugh was when they ask Chewey if this is the famous Han Solo who fought for the Rebellion and he shrugs his shoulders. XD
And the scene when Chewie reminds Han to put on his winter jacket :D

Honestly, I think Chewie wasn't pissed enough when Han died. He should have gone totally berserk. THAT should have been the fina fight: Chewie grabbing one of those shock-clubs we've seen the stormtroopers have eariler, and going medieval on Kylo's ass. It would be one the most awesome things ever put to film, and no one would think it's lame that Kylo couldn't withstand that kind of force and fury.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by Breja
Breja: , and no one would think it's lame that Kylo couldn't withstand that kind of force and fury.
Pun intended?

Personally I think you're onto something here. It could represent Chewbaca's slow descent to the dark side of the force. The ultimate enemy of the new trilogy being Darth Baca!
qwixter: I think she is Luke's daughter, and the recurring themes with the skywalker family is turning Star wars into a reality TV show.
To be frank, she could be anyone's daughter; I just finished reading a well-put Imgur post saying she could in fact be a Kenobi (Obi-Wan's granddaughter). I just don't know what to think anymore! Well...glad there's still two movies coming.
qwixter: I think she is Luke's daughter, and the recurring themes with the skywalker family is turning Star wars into a reality TV show.
To be fair, the idea of Star Wars being a saga about the ongoing adventures of the Skywalker/Starkiller family is one of the very few "original intentions" for Star Wars that appears to really have been Lucas's original intention.