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johnnygoging: not sure Finn isn't force trained (edit: not trained but attuned or whatever. you know what I mean). why would they let him touch the lightsabre? just to fill a leading man role? I think he may be their ace in the hole. they might have something special planned for him. hell, he might even have something to do with Luke's exile. I definitely feel like there's more to him once they let him pick up the lightsabre.
He was supposed to give it to Rey. That's it. I really don't get why everyone is making such a big deal of his using the lightsabre. He was just supposed to take it to Rey. And he uses is it because. well, he needed a weapon and that's what he had. You don't need to be force sensitive to use a lightsabre. That's established, and really rather obvious.

Really, I don't want to be mean, but Star Wars is really a prime example of fans going pants on their head crazy with various thories and wild ideas, and the new movie just rekindled that into a supernova. There's Boba Fett behind every corner, and old Sith lords hiding in the oven. I get it, some fan theories can be pretty cool, but come on. Sometimes a lightsabre is just a lightsabre.
johnnygoging: not sure Finn isn't force trained (edit: not trained but attuned or whatever. you know what I mean). why would they let him touch the lightsabre? just to fill a leading man role? I think he may be their ace in the hole. they might have something special planned for him. hell, he might even have something to do with Luke's exile. I definitely feel like there's more to him once they let him pick up the lightsabre.
Breja: He was supposed to give it to Rey. That's it. I really don't get why everyone is making such a big deal of his using the lightsabre. He was just supposed to take it to Rey. And he uses is it because. well, he needed a weapon and that's what he had. You don't need to be force sensitive to use a lightsabre. That's established, and really rather obvious.

Really, I don't want to be mean, but Star Wars is really a prime example of fans going pants on their head crazy with various thories and wild ideas, and the new movie just rekindled that into a supernova. There's Boba Fett behind every corner, and old Sith lords hiding in the oven. I get it, some fan theories can be pretty cool, but come on. Sometimes a lightsabre is just a lightsabre.
And don't forget Han used a Light sabre in Empire. No one freaked out about that.
dtgreene: It was actually the female protagonist that got me interested in actually seeing the film in the first place. If Rey were a man, I would not have seen Star Wars Episode 7 at all.
I honestly can't see why this would matter one way or the other.
dtgreene: It was actually the female protagonist that got me interested in actually seeing the film in the first place. If Rey were a man, I would not have seen Star Wars Episode 7 at all.
Breja: I honestly can't see why this would matter one way or the other.
Neither do I. :P I found the article funny because of how fucking stupid that group is, topped off by the fact that they seem to believe they made an impact. XD
tinyE: Neither do I. :P I found the article funny because of how fucking stupid that group is, topped off by the fact that they seem to believe they made an impact. XD
Well, they did. They greatly improved the average IQ of the audience in theatres :D
Post edited January 05, 2016 by Breja
Fynn seemed to be just like what he appeared to be, a stormtrooper who had a change of heart about the whole killing people thing. Seems like his backstory was nearly completely filled in, he even had a number. Looks to simply be filling in Han Solo's spot, also got a little Rey love interest in there, or maybe they were just really happy to see each other. ;)

I couldn't work out if that men's group was serious or it was a joke.
Post edited January 05, 2016 by bad_fur_day1
Breja: I honestly can't see why this would matter one way or the other.
tinyE: Neither do I. :P I found the article funny because of how fucking stupid that group is, topped off by the fact that they seem to believe they made an impact. XD
That's because Dtgreene is sexist and somehow thinks that playing Mr Potato Head with the private parts actually adds value to characters (no more or less than changing skin tones). It's sort of the opposite of the feminist concept of duality. Up is down, left is right, jedi is sith.
tinyE: Neither do I. :P I found the article funny because of how fucking stupid that group is, topped off by the fact that they seem to believe they made an impact. XD
Emob78: That's because Dtgreene is sexist and somehow thinks that playing Mr Potato Head with the private parts actually adds value to characters (no more or less than changing skin tones). It's sort of the opposite of the feminist concept of duality. Up is down, left is right, jedi is sith.
I don't really care what he is, I just thought the article was funny. ;P

I'm not going to get into a fight over it.
Emob78: That's because Dtgreene is sexist and somehow thinks that playing Mr Potato Head with the private parts actually adds value to characters (no more or less than changing skin tones). It's sort of the opposite of the feminist concept of duality. Up is down, left is right, jedi is sith.
tinyE: I don't really care what he is, I just thought the article was funny. ;P

I'm not going to get into a fight over it.
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to SJW.
I'm hoping this beats Avatar as the highest grossing film not because it particularly deserves it, I just am sick and f**king tired of f**king blue f**king aliens, that look exactly like people.
tinyE: I don't really care what he is, I just thought the article was funny. ;P

I'm not going to get into a fight over it.
Emob78: Hate leads to SJW.
Which is a term the idiots in the article were obviously very fond of using.
bad_fur_day1: I'm hoping this beats Avatar as the highest grossing film not because it particularly deserves it, I just am sick and f**king tired of f**king blue f**king aliens, that look exactly like people.
Honsetly, I just looked at it recently, and the list of top 10 highest grossing movies is one of the saddest things I think I've ever seen. I refuse to care about, simply because it's the only way to protect what remians of my sanity.
Emob78: Hate leads to SJW.
tinyE: Which is a term the idiots in the article were obviously very fond of using.
I beg of you, end this discussion here, whatever he responds. With the gamergate thread and the related idiocy still a festering wound on the forum, this is inviting a disaster that will derail this thread in the nastiest way possible.
Post edited January 05, 2016 by Breja
bad_fur_day1: I'm hoping this beats Avatar as the highest grossing film not because it particularly deserves it, I just am sick and f**king tired of f**king blue f**king aliens, that look exactly like people.
Breja: Honsetly, I just looked at it recently, and the list of top 10 highest grossing movies is one of the saddest things I think I've ever seen. I refuse to care about, simply because it's the only way to protect what remians of my sanity.
tinyE: Which is a term the idiots in the article were obviously very fond of using.
Breja: I beg of you, end this discussion here, whatever he responds. With the gamergate thread and the related idiocy still a festering wound on the forum, this is inviting a disaster that will derail this thread in the nastiest way possible.
Yeah I'm done. :D Don't worry.
I just came back from watching this. I really disliked the prequel trilogy but this one was really fun. I'll still complain though: a) Big Bad Vader Successor (TM) turned out to be Weepy McRatface. I cringe in sympathy to the First Order stormtroopers. b) The ending was a little too drawn out. They had Rey with hand outstretched & Luke gawping at each other for ages. Like, okay, we get it. There's FEELINGS and stuff going on, get on with it already. All the panning around made them look stupid. c) I had expected Captain Phasma to have a bigger cooler part. T^T
ashwald: c) I had expected Captain Phasma to have a bigger cooler part. T^T
Ditto. I'm holding out for something in VIII.