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I have to wonder what it would be like for someone to start watching Star Wars with Episode VII. On one hand, they would not be bothered by it being basically an inferior remake of the first movie. On the other, would they have any idea what the fuck is going on? This movie explains so little, and so poorly, even the long time fans were confused about a lot of things.
Tannath: Just watch it. Not the best SW movie ever made, but not the worst either. It feels more SW than any of the prequel stuff. I'm still digesting it, I might do a more detailed analysis later.
innerring: How? There is no world building like in the two Lucas trilogies. No sense of immersion.
Yes, it's more action oriented than the trilogies, and yes, there are many unanswered questions. The prequels tried hard to do world building and they didn't turn out so good, so they took this one in a different direction. Is it perfect? Hell no! They overcompensated for the prequels faults, recycled more of Episode IV than they should, added very little to the lore and made it science-fantasy light. But for me it was still more entertaining as a whole than most of the prequel stuff. I'm hoping the next one will be closer to the classic SW formula, but this one is not a bad movie.
Breja: [..] start watching Star Wars with Episode VII [..] would they have any idea what the fuck is going on? [..]
In my opinion.. no.
But maybe they could be accustomed to JJA's minimal plot coherence, so they would just enjoy the nonsensical events full of action.
Post edited December 29, 2015 by phaolo
Breja: I have to wonder what it would be like for someone to start watching Star Wars with Episode VII. On one hand, they would not be bothered by it being basically an inferior remake of the first movie. On the other, would they have any idea what the fuck is going on? This movie explains so little, and so poorly, even the long time fans were confused about a lot of things.
Jesus Breja, you are so 20th century! Story, coherence, actual sense?

This is the 21st century!

We have to stop bothering people with actual story content that makes sense, wether it is in games, movies or that other medium, wait ...paper?... ah... not important... anyway.

Breja you have to look at this at the right perspective, in a few years most people anywhere will not have the chance to get/afford a decent education, or feed their mind with any kind of halfway decent media content, that makes actually sense.
Therefore it will be much easier to gouge any remaining civil rights from, and also increase economical pressure onto these intellectual starved sheep without any significant backlash.

Isn`t that wonderful? :D
Post edited December 29, 2015 by Mr. D™
Breja: snip
Mr. D™: snip
I think it was better than most stuff Hollywood is shitting out, although that might not be a big achievement.
I've stopped measuring current sequels by the old originals a while ago. It's like compairing a video game movie adaptation to the video game.

Without the humour, the movie would have been too bland to endure but the way it is now, it wasn't so bad.

Of course you should never compare such action movies to actual sci-fi movies like Insterstellar, which I watched the day after I watched Episode 7 and was a very nice contrast.

Have you ever watched any part of "The Fast and the Furious" or something like that? :D
Now that's some real torture, I tell you!
Post edited December 29, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Movie is a direct result of Disney eating up Lucasfilm and going to the bathroom - pile of shit in a nice wrapper. Prequels are masterpieces compared to this - at least they had a story to begin with. Pile of shit has no story except parts of episodes IV, V and VI which were deemed "cool" by an idiot known as JJ Abrams and then probably mutilated even more by Disney executives (in order to make them more politically correct and/or more appealing to potential merchandise buyers).
What Lucas did in the 70's with a bunch of people is incomparable in every aspect to this pile of shit which calls itself "the new Star Wars" - even things like action sequences (despite all CGI) are better in the original trilogy, not to mention scenery, direction, photography....I could go on and on.
First rule of good SF: have a story that you want to tell. Everything else will come along. Where is the story here?
It's great for a Harry Potter movie.
Breja: But to the audience his temper tantrums are funny, not scary. To be scary for the audience the villain needs to be sinister, menacing, at the very least effective. Kylo does not seem to be very good at his job, and his angsty teen persona has no menace to it.
Yep, the movie itself made a joke of it with the storm troopers looking at each other and then back tracking while Kylo was throwing a hissy fit.
Breja: But to the audience his temper tantrums are funny, not scary. To be scary for the audience the villain needs to be sinister, menacing, at the very least effective. Kylo does not seem to be very good at his job, and his angsty teen persona has no menace to it.
stg83: Yep, the movie itself made a joke of it with the storm troopers looking at each other and then back tracking while Kylo was throwing a hissy fit.
I think it was hilarious.
Wait, do you mean it wasn't a comedy? oO
I watched this whole movie as an action comedy, was it meant as something different?
Post edited December 29, 2015 by Klumpen0815
I wanted Finn to become the jedi!
Mr. D™: snip
Klumpen0815: I think it was better than most stuff Hollywood is shitting out, although that might not be a big achievement.
I've stopped measuring current sequels by the old originals a while ago. It's like compairing a video game movie adaptation to the video game.

Without the humour, the movie would have been too bland to endure but the way it is now, it wasn't so bad.

Of course you should never compare such action movies to actual sci-fi movies like Insterstellar, which I watched the day after I watched Episode 7 and was a very nice contrast.

Have you ever watched any part of "The Fast and the Furious" or something like that? :D
Now that's some real torture, I tell you!
Might I point your interested in this direction: Rev
Matewis: I wanted Finn to become the jedi!
Personally, I think there've been enough male Jedis that it's about time for a female Jedi. (I remember being disappointed that Leia was never trained in the Force.)

Then again, I do note that Finn wielded a lightsaber. How was he able to do that?
Matewis: I wanted Finn to become the jedi!
dtgreene: Personally, I think there've been enough male Jedis that it's about time for a female Jedi. (I remember being disappointed that Leia was never trained in the Force.)

Then again, I do note that Finn wielded a lightsaber. How was he able to do that?
Han did it in Empire. Granted it was only to open a TonTon but at least he knew how to turn it on.
Matewis: I wanted Finn to become the jedi!
dtgreene: Personally, I think there've been enough male Jedis that it's about time for a female Jedi. (I remember being disappointed that Leia was never trained in the Force.)

Then again, I do note that Finn wielded a lightsaber. How was he able to do that?
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a female jedi, but between the two of them, I prefer Finn. I guess I just haven't warmed up yet to jill-of-all-trades-Rey.

A female villain might be cool too? Or better yet, some sort of cyborg female villain with a twisted voice, like Shodan. I wonder if that would work in a star wars film.
Matewis: I wanted Finn to become the jedi!
dtgreene: Personally, I think there've been enough male Jedis that it's about time for a female Jedi. (I remember being disappointed that Leia was never trained in the Force.)
I don’t know how they’d do it, but I would've liked Ray’s force usage to be really subdued and ambiguous. She should have a couple of hints in the movie, but nothing concrete or easily noticeable until that triumphant moment when the lightsaber flies into her hands and the audiences expectations are subverted yet again (just like with Kylo). The promotional material shows Finn centre stage wielding the lightsaber, and that voice ‘there has been an awakening’ punctuates Finn looking around at his surroundings in a panic like he just regained consciousness, so it seems like the Force Awakens was setting up that switcharoo. Strangely the whole idea is abandoned in the movie itself, as you’re outright told of Ray's powers long before the fight.
Post edited December 29, 2015 by markrichardb