Leroux: I've already read A Contract With God, Ghost World, Maus, Persepolis, Batman Year One and The Dark Knight Returns. I think I've read a volume or two of Blacksad, too (I'm not aware of a One-Volume-Edition though, so it might not meet requirement #1)
I've read a couple of Ralf König's books, and they were nice enough, and I've read many of the Werner books as a teen, but I'm not sure if I'd still like them as much now.
I admit I didn't read Watchmen and V for Vendetta yet (only watched the movies which are probably worse than the comics, at least I hope so), and neither From Hell, and I mean to catch up on them one day, but I'm not overly enthusiastic about it. I can imagine being somewhat entertained by their stories, but not really falling in love with them as I did with the ones mentioned above. Same goes for Daredevil Born Again. Like the two Batman stories, I suppose they are all excellent, a bit more serious superhero and thriller stories, but they're still superhero and thriller stories, which isn't quite what I'm looking for (see requirement #3). I haven't heard of Transmetropolitan, but it doesn't seem to meet requirement #1.
Essex County sounds interesting and so does My Friend Dahmer, I haven't heard of them yet, so those are exactly the kind of suggestions I was hoping for!
Everything We Miss also looks very cool, just a bit too short. (To clarify, I'm not just looking for a graphic novel to read, I'm looking for one to buy; the length requirement has nothing to do with how I judge comics, I'd definitely read the short ones, too, I'm just a bit more reluctant to buy them, as the prices seldom reflect the length and I don't like the thought of paying 15-20+ EUR for a book I'll finish in less than an hour. Of course it also depends on how detailed and impressive the pictures are.)
Thanks for all the suggestions so far, much appreciated!
you'd be surprised about transmetropolitan
its mostly a satirical sneer with a deranged gonzo journalist running aroudn uncovering the TRUTH GOD DAMN IT !
and toppeling two presidents of the usa in the process
miracleman is a descontruction of the super hero genre and posist the question what if super heroes were real ?
and then proceeds to demolish all the tropes and bring the question to its eventual and logical conclusion ( gods on earth )
the movies for watchmen and v for vendetta do both a disservice
moore has disowned both
v for vendetta the movie has become a bog standard super hero movie
the book is about anarchy about facism and about freedom neither good nor evil just grey while watchman also deconstructs super heroes and plays with the form like you wouldnt believe
such as the issue where the page layouts are perfect mirror images of each other and they meet in the middle
the from hell movie is awfull but the book is a huge monstrous tome that delves in to the everyday lives of people from whitchapel in 1888 while throwing up one theory about who the jack the ripper is
what he was
why he did what he did his motives and esoteric arcane rituals
among other things
and Campbells scratchy unpleasant art help sell the mood
the notes and appendices are a book unto themsleves ( around 4 or 5 )
the crow is ...unpleasant but very well illustrated
if you are in to fantasy and adventure with a lot of humor you may want to look in to gold digger
first 199 issues are now free
and dont let the carefree attitude of the art or the script fool you this comics has been going places for 25 years now
matt wagners grendel
collected in 4 huge tomes and while they start with hunter rose and his through the underworld and eventual demise it then starts of in a different direction where the notion of grendel as an entity that can posses people and eventually rule the world and become the new world order is explored
but is it truly the spirit of grendel ?
or i it just the idea that caught people and they just went with it ?
its neither super heror nor crime noir nor scice fiction nor horror its all that and more
and finally cerebus
you may want to give up around jaka's story though
dave sim goes a bit off his rocker after that volume and his works become stranger and stranger
and not ina good way
but until then the artwork sis excellent and the plots both mindboggeling and thought provoking
as was satirical
start with high society