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Deals so good, you won't want to fall asleep.
You remember back when you used to walk into a store, browse the shelves, pick out a game, and then buy it--all in the actual real world? We don't know about you, but most of us at have had our limbs atrophy to small vestigial nubbins since all of our shopping happens online these days. Of course, one thing that sometimes happens in real world stores with real world goods--particularly when they have a good sale--is that they run out of stock. Usually that means that the deal was so good that they couldn't keep up with demand.

Well, in the digital realm, this is usually pretty rare. How do you run out of stock on digital games, short of entropy devouring the universe? Well, we have gotten 101 games that will be on sale on the front page of, but the discounts are so high at the moment that we can't just sell an unlimited number of copies of these games: we are only able to sell a few at these discounts--up to 80% off--and once they're gone, they're gone.

So what games will be on sale in our Insomnia promo? Bestselling classics and new games alike. There will also occasionally be some free games in super limited numbers (like, 20 or 30 copies)--if you're fast enough on the trigger finger to pick 'em up, that is. The deal will run from now until we're out of "stock" of games for the sale, and games may show up more than once. So it's time to bathe in a tub of coffee*, dip some espresso**, snort an energy drink***, or do whatever else it takes to stay up so you don't miss out on the best deals on fantastic games on since summer.
*This is probably not a good idea
**This is definitely not a good idea
***This is totally safe, though****
Post edited November 13, 2013 by TheEnigmaticT
GhostwriterDoF: Star over with bacteria? Bacteria is the most dominant species on the planet now... :D
gamingrn: Dont forget the Archaea!
Well, ok, but we are not going to invite them to tea at a GoG social, they are rude and eat all the crumpets before anyone can get to them.... :D
SpiderFighter: Definitely. Very original platformer; you just have to get through the first level before it gets really interesting.

EDIT: Wow. I just noticed that I virtually wrote what you wrote. lol

But it's true. Great game. :)
stevekharon: Nice thanks, and keep the remaining list going, very appreciated.
I'll definitely do the next one, maybe more depending on how quick the next game moves...but it's getting late for me, so bed soon. None of my games have come up yet, so I'll probably be in bed when they do. :(
Post edited November 17, 2013 by SpiderFighter
Come on baby only a little over 50 left. Papa needs some Jade Empire before going to sleep!
stevekharon: Psychonauts is worth it ? Looks like a very original platformer, and I want to brag that I survived 'til the end, LOL
worlddan: Psychonauts is a cool game but it is an AWESOME game if you have any interest in psychology. There are a lot of snide jokes and puns in the game that only those with a psychological background will get.
I actually have alot of interest in psychology (and puns lol), I speak french tho, but I'm good enough in english to understand everything. So if Thief 3 goes out first it will be a hard choice.
deathmyrk: I used to love pricing the fries real cheap, putting a lot of salt on them, then pricing the drinks really high, filling it with mostly ice.
mkell_226: So what you're saying is that you've run a concession stand in real life.
Sadly it did feel that way. Gaining life skills through the fun of gaming.
You're also forgetting our fellow eukaryotes, the diatoms and dinoflagellates. They're responsible for more of the Earth's atmospheric oxygen than the Amazon rainforest. Much more.
GhostwriterDoF: Star over with bacteria? Bacteria is the most dominant species on the planet now... :D
Schemilix: Prokaryotes as a domain indeed have the highest biomass and survive in the greatest number of environments but, I'd say as a rule, it's fair to say the vertebrates and angiosperms are dominant in other ways. It depends on your perspective.
Considering we rely on certain bacteria to survive, and some have a taste for our flesh... is an interesting perspective...
Post edited November 17, 2013 by GhostwriterDoF
mkess: king's Bounty was original a game from Amiga times. HOMM was derived from this first version.
ah? No kidding. Figured Kings Bounty was just some HOMM clone. Learn something new every day.
stevekharon: Psychonauts is worth it ? Looks like a very original platformer, and I want to brag that I survived 'til the end, LOL
worlddan: Psychonauts is a cool game but it is an AWESOME game if you have any interest in psychology. There are a lot of snide jokes and puns in the game that only those with a psychological background will get.
There's an ever bigger number of puns and jokes that only pre-freudian disbelievers in psychology, like myself, will get.

Bottom line is: get the game ASAP. It's definitely one of the best games ever made.
Finally, last push on this Sick Game. Come on GOG don't disappoint, release the Kraken...errr.. Jade + Thief. Plz.
Schemilix: You're also forgetting our fellow eukaryotes, the diatoms and dinoflagellates. They're responsible for more of the Earth's atmospheric oxygen than the Amazon rainforest. Much more.
True, but having a nucleus is just so overrated. :)
stevekharon: Psychonauts is worth it ? Looks like a very original platformer, and I want to brag that I survived 'til the end, LOL
SpiderFighter: Definitely. Very original platformer; you just have to get through the first level before it gets really interesting.

EDIT: Wow. I'm so tired I just noticed that I virtually wrote what you wrote. lol

But it's true. Great game. :)
At least its already on sale so if you miss the one you can still get it for like 3.99
mkess: king's Bounty was original a game from Amiga times. HOMM was derived from this first version.
peanutsticks: ah? No kidding. Figured Kings Bounty was just some HOMM clone. Learn something new every day.
That makes 2 ;)
Schemilix: Prokaryotes as a domain indeed have the highest biomass and survive in the greatest number of environments but, I'd say as a rule, it's fair to say the vertebrates and angiosperms are dominant in other ways. It depends on your perspective.
GhostwriterDoF: Considering we rely on certain bacteria to survive, and some a taste for our flesh... is an interesting perspective...
Oh yeah sure, our body weight is more bacterium than eukaryote to be honest, but I said biomass doesn't equal dominance, that's all. The macroscopic, conspicuous organisms that create their own ecosystem rapidly are generally eukaryotic. The rainforests that create their own weather patterns; even entire carpets of bacteria can't do that. Then again, cyanobacteria are responsible for aerobic life existing in the first place. It's not a black and white matter.

I eat no flesh anyway! Hehe. But I do eat yoghurt.
Post edited November 17, 2013 by Schemilix
Schemilix: I'm alliterating too much, time to blow up parliament. I'm only an hour from London.

(Now M15 is probably after me.)
And who tipped them off? That's right, it was America! Obama sees (and hears) everything.