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Deals so good, you won't want to fall asleep.
You remember back when you used to walk into a store, browse the shelves, pick out a game, and then buy it--all in the actual real world? We don't know about you, but most of us at have had our limbs atrophy to small vestigial nubbins since all of our shopping happens online these days. Of course, one thing that sometimes happens in real world stores with real world goods--particularly when they have a good sale--is that they run out of stock. Usually that means that the deal was so good that they couldn't keep up with demand.

Well, in the digital realm, this is usually pretty rare. How do you run out of stock on digital games, short of entropy devouring the universe? Well, we have gotten 101 games that will be on sale on the front page of, but the discounts are so high at the moment that we can't just sell an unlimited number of copies of these games: we are only able to sell a few at these discounts--up to 80% off--and once they're gone, they're gone.

So what games will be on sale in our Insomnia promo? Bestselling classics and new games alike. There will also occasionally be some free games in super limited numbers (like, 20 or 30 copies)--if you're fast enough on the trigger finger to pick 'em up, that is. The deal will run from now until we're out of "stock" of games for the sale, and games may show up more than once. So it's time to bathe in a tub of coffee*, dip some espresso**, snort an energy drink***, or do whatever else it takes to stay up so you don't miss out on the best deals on fantastic games on since summer.
*This is probably not a good idea
**This is definitely not a good idea
***This is totally safe, though****
Post edited November 13, 2013 by TheEnigmaticT
wackyanne: I have (still I think) and played NWN 1 and loved it. It's why I picked up NWN2 instantly, and resolved to get Planescape and Icewind Dale (still waiting for that one); although those were also played because I played some BG which I also enjoyed.
LeonardoCornejo: As with many games based on D&D, NWN is an instant clasic for a simple reason, it is the bridge betwen Tabletop/Pen & paper RPG and digital RPG.
Random tidbit, NWN was the very first thing that used the 3rd edition rules that was released to the public.
Devoidless: I admit defeat, GOG. I missed Planescape because your sales system is borked.
Captain_Midnight: Check your PMs!
You're the best, around. Nothing's ever gonna keep you down.
Post edited November 17, 2013 by Devoidless
TraderVic: Come on I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream!

^That bundle is up for 16 more hours.
The game you want is in it.
WHAT? Nice! +1 for you! Thank god, this completes my list.... I have an MRI early tomorrow and I really need to get some sleep. See you later guys (as this sale will without a doubt last until tomorrow.)
Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga GOG


? = Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rin?
silentp263: What has appeared since Fez?
Almost everything of importance :D
teshra: Actually the game is good and fun. The main problem with it in this sale is the price. Not that the price is bad but the $2.49 and under games are being gobbled up to play, trade or gift. Anything above that is generally taking longer to sell. If Omerta or Keane was $2.49, it'd be flying out the door too.
N0w3gg: Looking up gameplay, and so far you might be right; the game looks fun! Too high price, though, yeah.
I have:
1 Planescape: Torment
1 Baldur's Gate

Who needs?

And Velgor, you're a rockstar!
Just gifted out my first game. Damn, that feels good. :)

I still have a couple other keys...
Anyone want to trade Evoland or Psychonauts for your Planescape copy?
tobias683: I have:
1 Planescape: Torment
1 Baldur's Gate

Who needs?

And Velgor, you're a rockstar!
Planescape, may I?
I just return home and seem,that I missed it :(
Post edited November 17, 2013 by truhlik77
Xiko91: Wait... They are selling that game? Ahah such a classic. :P
Velgor: IHNMAMS is the first game I bought in the Insomnia Sale on the first round. I've got it on my shelf, ready to install. Along with about 20 others I had no intention of buying, but did. :)
I've played it some time ago. Really interesting story.
Chevette: I have to go do some yard work now before my HOA gets all ticket happy again. Enjoy the sale, enjoy your games! You guys have been super awesome to pass all this crazy Keaning time with!
It's been great. :)
foxworks: Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga GOG


? = Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rin?
Redeemed, thank you so much!
skeletonbow: Earlier this year at some point if I'm not mistaken Omerta was on sale for $4.99 including all of the DLC. I imagine they'll put it on sale for that again over the holidays likely. Personally I'm waiting for it to hit the sweet spot of $2.99 or less as it has poor reviews but still piques my curiosity a bit.
nijuu: Base game without the DLCs.Not DRM free from the site i remember only sells DRM-free games. This was a sale including the DLC. I scanned my email and RSS archives to see if I could find it and all I oculd find was an Omerta all-inclusive sale for 80% off on June 24th, 2013 but I could have sworn I saw it on sale for deeper discount than that on one day in the past. I could be mistaken about the price but definitely it included the DLC, and definitely DRM-free. :)
So is Planetscape and Wargame both gone?