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Deals so good, you won't want to fall asleep.
You remember back when you used to walk into a store, browse the shelves, pick out a game, and then buy it--all in the actual real world? We don't know about you, but most of us at have had our limbs atrophy to small vestigial nubbins since all of our shopping happens online these days. Of course, one thing that sometimes happens in real world stores with real world goods--particularly when they have a good sale--is that they run out of stock. Usually that means that the deal was so good that they couldn't keep up with demand.

Well, in the digital realm, this is usually pretty rare. How do you run out of stock on digital games, short of entropy devouring the universe? Well, we have gotten 101 games that will be on sale on the front page of, but the discounts are so high at the moment that we can't just sell an unlimited number of copies of these games: we are only able to sell a few at these discounts--up to 80% off--and once they're gone, they're gone.

So what games will be on sale in our Insomnia promo? Bestselling classics and new games alike. There will also occasionally be some free games in super limited numbers (like, 20 or 30 copies)--if you're fast enough on the trigger finger to pick 'em up, that is. The deal will run from now until we're out of "stock" of games for the sale, and games may show up more than once. So it's time to bathe in a tub of coffee*, dip some espresso**, snort an energy drink***, or do whatever else it takes to stay up so you don't miss out on the best deals on fantastic games on since summer.
*This is probably not a good idea
**This is definitely not a good idea
***This is totally safe, though****
Post edited November 13, 2013 by TheEnigmaticT
157! Everyone who buys RCR now should get a tag "HERO OF THE INSOMNIAC MASSES" to go along with their forum name. It's only right.
peanutsticks: The 5hr mark has come and gone. Still 158 lucky customers to go!
Happy Keaning!
Good thing I decided to go bed right when Retro City Rampage appeared. Way too many copies for it on the 3rd Round.

La-Mulana, Icewind Dale, I Have No Mouth and I must Scream, Thief II, and maybe (Expeditions: Conquistador) me and my wallet are coming for ALL of you!
darkmoment: At this rate, I should have enough time to watch movie with my girlfriend.
At this rate, you can marry and have a child and RCR would still be there.
For all insomniacs with sleep deprivation: even 158 copies of Retro City Crawlage can grant you some hours of sleep (but someone who knows how late it started with how many copies should do the math, when I woke up 2 hours ago, the slider was somewhere halfway).
We've been kean'd (again)!
can someone who has been wake about 3days now predict possible show (i mean keane ) stoppers before
planescape.. sorry about missing questionmark but it doesnt work..
im only asking because i think it take more than 4 hours and real life needs something to do.
Another message to sleep deprivators: Get some sleep, you know your body needs it. Zzzzz.
Post edited November 16, 2013 by DubConqueror
OH NO!!!! I fell asleep!!!

Did Thief 1 and 2 pass??!? OMG
kaszman1: I started playing Torchlight 2 just for fun since RCR is on sale. I just finished the game and still 150+ left...
NG+ it is. :D
Nice. Ive thought of replaying it.
And we are down to 150 copys.
This will only take another age. Maybe we'll see some real Cyberpunk arm prostethics bevor RCR sells out.
(Yeah, I'm reading Shadowrun again)
Shendue: At this rate, you can marry and have a child and RCR would still be there.
Well, who's up for marrying? Sounds like an interesting experience for resume. "Managed to marry a peer while bored during a video game sale gone long."

I just woke up after 5 hours of undeserved silence and tada, RCR is still alive. Color me surprised. Still, seems like somebody was buying it in the meanwhile.
Minmataro: OH NO!!!! I fell asleep!!!

Did Thief 1 and 2 pass??!? OMG
I think they haven't yet. RCR has been on for the last 5+ hours.
Minmataro: OH NO!!!! I fell asleep!!!

Did Thief 1 and 2 pass??!? OMG
No, only Don't Starve, Shadowrun and Retro City Rampage for the last 12 hours, And a freebie of Aquanox 2 inbetween.