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ShadowXOR: I preferred GOG for no DRM, (seemingly) ethical, everything optional (Galaxy, achievements, etc.) Like Steam annoys me with a crap UI, useless stuff like playing cards, etc.
However, moving forward with GOG being CCP shills, is there anyone that isn't? Is there any usable storefront that actually has a decent number of normal/known games? I'd prefer not to go back to Steam but I've lost all faith in GOG, Epic is owned by a Chinese company. What are we left with? And just FYI I actually love Chinese culture/the people - I just hate their government and am tired of everyone bending to them.
Also, no I can't have any idea what companies do behind-the-scenes, but if they blatantly in-my-face bend the knee, I'm out.
Try, I think it's better than gog too since the installers don't have ads while installing and you get the original icons for games.
ShadowXOR: Well that's depressing. Might just be time to move on from mainstream gaming if I have to sell my soul and just stick to and such.
You might as well stop shopping in every store ever as well.

The U.S. elites sold our entire manufacturing base off to give themselves a few quick bucks and focus on making money from money (financial shenanigans). As if that's the point of a market.

I mean for f*&^ sake I just saw on the news tonight Tik Tok, which just had it's marriage to Walmart ordained and endorsed by the President of the United States - so now all the Chinese manufactured goods can be sold directly on the Chinese app - is creating "live selling" events one clicking on your next new product. So you can stop pretending that these social media apps are anything other than guerrilla marketing - they're overt.
ShadowXOR: I preferred GOG for no DRM, (seemingly) ethical, everything optional (Galaxy, achievements, etc.) Like Steam annoys me with a crap UI, useless stuff like playing cards, etc.
However, moving forward with GOG being CCP shills, is there anyone that isn't? Is there any usable storefront that actually has a decent number of normal/known games? I'd prefer not to go back to Steam but I've lost all faith in GOG, Epic is owned by a Chinese company. What are we left with? And just FYI I actually love Chinese culture/the people - I just hate their government and am tired of everyone bending to them.
Also, no I can't have any idea what companies do behind-the-scenes, but if they blatantly in-my-face bend the knee, I'm out.
"what are our alternatives" This question is similar to - who else can we vote for? I think the answer is not defeatism, but the answer is whoever that is better right this moment, even if by a hair, and accept that the better can become corrupted before midnight.

Fundamentally, be very agile in retracting your loyalty towards companies (or politicians). Today I'll switch to MS store or back to Steam, in the expectation that one day they will betray me, and I am already prepared to jump ship and condemn them without empathy, like I do today to GOG.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by BluesyMoo
ShadowXOR: I preferred GOG for no DRM, (seemingly) ethical, everything optional (Galaxy, achievements, etc.) Like Steam annoys me with a crap UI, useless stuff like playing cards, etc.
However, moving forward with GOG being CCP shills, is there anyone that isn't? Is there any usable storefront that actually has a decent number of normal/known games? I'd prefer not to go back to Steam but I've lost all faith in GOG, Epic is owned by a Chinese company. What are we left with? And just FYI I actually love Chinese culture/the people - I just hate their government and am tired of everyone bending to them.
Also, no I can't have any idea what companies do behind-the-scenes, but if they blatantly in-my-face bend the knee, I'm out.
Sorry but at this point it might be Nintendo you should be looking at if you want to keep gaming.
They don't seem to care about political stuff too much.
But they are the opposite of DRM-free. Then again, they are the biggest supporters of physical media, seems like.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by Nible1
Humble Bundle comes with a big advantage over GOG, the ability to filter only the DRM-free games from their store:
ShadowXOR: I preferred GOG for no DRM, (seemingly) ethical, everything optional (Galaxy, achievements, etc.) Like Steam annoys me with a crap UI, useless stuff like playing cards, etc.
However, moving forward with GOG being CCP shills, is there anyone that isn't? Is there any usable storefront that actually has a decent number of normal/known games? I'd prefer not to go back to Steam but I've lost all faith in GOG, Epic is owned by a Chinese company. What are we left with? And just FYI I actually love Chinese culture/the people - I just hate their government and am tired of everyone bending to them.
Also, no I can't have any idea what companies do behind-the-scenes, but if they blatantly in-my-face bend the knee, I'm out.
Aren't you overreacting a little bit? I get that people are upset, but is boycotting a company that is enabling legitimate access to old games and assisting games preservation by helping games be playable on modern systems allowed a little slack for not wanting to be the leader on international trade and foreign policy?

Have you researched the support and leadership the Polish government is providing companies in protecting companies from international bullying? In supporting protections for free speech and intellectual property rights? In protecting the sale of legitimate goods in foreign markets?

The US also doesn't have many ideal solutions to the above problems and it is a much richer and more influential nation. If citizens are concerned about the current state of free speech and capitalism in the international market, they need to use their democratic rights and contact their local and national politicians. I fail to see how a boycott will somehow magically solve this complicated and international issue that affects a much wider diversity of policies and peoples than just video games.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by hatlock
vv221: Humble Bundle comes with a big advantage over GOG, the ability to filter only the DRM-free games from their store:
I didn't realize they had this many DRM-free games. Good one!
Zoom is a good option, also has some games you can't get else where.

Not the video conference thing Zoom, but Zoom -
Linko64: Zoom is a good option, also has some games you can't get else where.

Not the video conference thing Zoom, but Zoom -
Yeah, the video conference thing is really bad for Chinese influence.
low rated
MyLife4Night: Physical Gaming is already dead on PC! because nowadays every Physical Disc on PC have DRM
Thank god physical gaming is dead to be honest. I feel a bit bad about "losing" physical books and records, but the options are so much better it's not even funny. Gaming is a luxury in my opinion, so I'm not too sad to have to use all my games in a digital landscape when the media lends itself to it naturally.

Imagine having a physical game and being stuck with a buggy version of a game forever. It happened a lot "back in the day".

Also, physical disks often do have DRM on them, going from disk checks to actual DRM software like tages, etc

Also don't buy Paradox games if you hate the chinese. They are partially owned by Tencent.
MyLife4Night: Physical Gaming is already dead on PC! because nowadays every Physical Disc on PC have DRM
pippin15: Thank god physical gaming is dead to be honest. I feel a bit bad about "losing" physical books and records, but the options are so much better it's not even funny. Gaming is a luxury in my opinion, so I'm not too sad to have to use all my games in a digital landscape when the media lends itself to it naturally.

Imagine having a physical game and being stuck with a buggy version of a game forever. It happened a lot "back in the day".

Also, physical disks often do have DRM on them, going from disk checks to actual DRM software like tages, etc

Also don't buy Paradox games if you hate the chinese. They are partially owned by Tencent.
Everything is. If you play games, you're a Tencent stakeholder.
Whsie: None. Origin, Epic, Steam are all DRM laced.
AmethystViper: Ahem! (link)
I think many people are just too lazy to check what you linked, so I list it below:
ShadowXOR: Is there any usable storefront that actually has a decent number of normal/known games?
PixelBoy: No.
If GOG, Steam, and Epic are out of the question, then you are pretty much left with nothing.

There are some stores which are designed for smaller audiences, like Spanish language games, or certain genres, but nothing that would compare to those three, now that DotEmu and some others have closed.

I guess Humble store would be your best alternative store.
If you are into adventure games, there's a small selection of games at Fireflower. has some gems among all those unplayable amateur games.
Purchasing from each publisher's websites maybe :-/ Still, GOG brings good old games back to life, has all the games in one place, keeps everything DRM etc
ShadowXOR: Does Steam bow to political pressure? They aren't publicly traded so I'm assuming they don't have the same obligations as CDPR but that doesn't mean they won't make the same decisions. Steam annoys me, but if they don't cave to political powers I'm willing to switch back and just accept DRM. DRM is the lesser of two evils between supporting a genocidal government world power.
It has nothing to do with being publicly traded, I am even tempted that is has nothing to do with "political" pressure (at least not directly). The PC game market in China is booming, Chinese is the most used language on Steam, and Steam is working hand in hand with the Chinese government to create a Chinese steam (which ironically is considered as a bad news by Chinese gamers as it could mean no longer having access to uncensored / unapproved games), so yes don't expect Steam to do anything that could anger CCP.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by Gersen
ShadowXOR: Does Steam bow to political pressure? They aren't publicly traded so I'm assuming they don't have the same obligations as CDPR but that doesn't mean they won't make the same decisions. Steam annoys me, but if they don't cave to political powers I'm willing to switch back and just accept DRM. DRM is the lesser of two evils between supporting a genocidal government world power.
Not wanting to release a game in their storefront that is politically a hot potato is not the same as supporting and promoting China's and/or North Korea's politics, and clubbing baby seals.

In my eyes the worst thing that GOG did was the tweet about not releasing the game due to demand from gamers. Then again I don't know what other options there really were, maybe just be silent about it and not comment anything. I am not expecting they would have tweeted truthfully "We are not releasing the game because it has an easter egg that irritates the leader of China.". That would have been wrong in so many ways.

Also, in my eyes part of the blame does go to the game developer as well. Don't add politically hot or questionable topics in your games unless you are ready to face the consequences. Same goes to CDPR of course if they add a chick with boner to their game, but I guess they didn't fully realize it would irritate the LQWERTY community so much.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by timppu