Posted April 25, 2014

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

To the PIT!
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted April 25, 2014
They don't tire of trying to take advantage. The haves can and do take advantage of the have nots, and all they have to do is try not to get noticed. Failing doesn't even matter. Doesn't matter how many times someone gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar when there is no penalty, and all you got to do sneak in one time to make off with someone else's cookies. I don't know how you defend yourself against rule makers that have an extremely narrow, personalized, purchased view of morality and get unlimited do overs.
Post edited April 25, 2014 by gooberking

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted May 16, 2015
Thought I should bump this before it archives to remind everyone that this not only still exists, but is very close to becoming law.
There is also this:
There is also this:
Post edited May 16, 2015 by jcoa

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted May 16, 2015
There is also this:

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted May 16, 2015

Internet Censorship scheme through a secretive international agreement called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Everything evil is rushed through in secret. There's been a news story recently that supposedly none of the public are allowed to view the treaty. It's clearly a scam and a sellout against the American people. There is no legitimate reason to ever hide details of an economic/trade treaty from the public.

Unfortunately, we thought this type of wholesale Internet censorship died after our historic victory against SOPA. But it looks like some of the worst parts of SOPA have found their way into the TPP.
It should be clear and obvious that the music/movie industry in America is never going to stop until they go bankrupt or the Internet is finally censored. The truth: A free Internet and the existence of the music/movie industry (in America) are mutually exclusive. The only (legal) solution to stop the censorship bills and treaties is to boycott the entire music/movie industry until it ceases to exist. Make no mistake, the music/movie industry are run by control freaks and elitists who believe they have the right to rule/dictate to the "little people" and they are at WAR with your freedom.
There might be some of you who think that comparing it to a war is too extreme. Let's go over a bit of history regarding the movie/music industry's war against your freedom so they can profit:
-Numerous bogus "copyright extension" acts, with the result being that copyrights last at least 75 years. If any piece of media or art needs 75 years to turn a profit, there's obviously something wrong with it. The original purpose of copyright was to foster creativity, but instead the music/movie industry have twisted it into an abomination that lets them sit on their intellectual property almost forever. That isn't fostering creativity, it's perpetual unchecked corporate greed.
-Digital Millennium Copyright Act which only protects the big media corporations in practice because for the most part, independent artists lack the resources to protect their products. The DMCA also enforces DRM that (sarcastic) everyone here loves so much. (/sarcastic)
-"Lawfare" (warfare through the legal system), including raids against various people and websites, even outside the United States.
-And now the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
No one ever won a war (or even a football game) through defense only. Likewise, "Internet freedom" advocates aren't going to win through being defensive. Simply playing whack-a-mole with bills and treaties/blocking them as they pop up doesn't cut it, and it never will. Groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation need to go a step further and inform people that they have to choose between a free Internet or music/movies. It's clear that it isn't going to end any other way.
People need to start promoting alternatives to the lamestream music/movie industry. Support video games instead of movies. Promote independent musicians and video game music as an alternative to the recording industry. While movie fans might find it difficult to give up movies, it's definitely worth it in the interests of a free Internet, free speech, and Constitutional rights.
Defeat tyranny - boycott the movie/music industry to extinction. Big government around the world just keeps getting more and more insidious and oppressive. At this rate, there's going to be no uncorrupted nation left in the world.

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico
Posted May 17, 2015
The only way for a boycott against the music/movie industry to work is if every human being in the world stops listening to new music and watch new movies. And I don't know where listening and watching old stuff factor in.
But even so you are overreaching a bit here. You are essentially demanding the utter destruction of 2 whole economies for the preservation of 1.
The only way for a boycott against the music/movie industry to work is if every human being in the world stops listening to new music and watch new movies. And I don't know where listening and watching old stuff factor in.
But even so you are overreaching a bit here. You are essentially demanding the utter destruction of 2 whole economies for the preservation of 1.
Post edited May 17, 2015 by Elmofongo

Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States

It's 2L84U
Registered: Sep 2011
From Puerto Rico
Posted May 18, 2015

The only way for a boycott against the music/movie industry to work is if every human being in the world stops listening to new music and watch new movies. And I don't know where listening and watching old stuff factor in.

-There's plenty of good music in video games (IMO the vast majority of video game music is far better than any of the Flop 40's/S*** music, oops, Top 40's/Hit Music). A lot of video games these days include their soundtrack as bonus content bundled with a digital purchase.
-There are plenty of independent "indie" musicians unaffiliated with the big recording industry.
-Who needs movies when video games are so much better? The visual quality of video games these days is definitely good enough that it's hard to tell the difference between a premium game cinematic and a movie.
-I predict that the movie industry in its current form is on its way out, because computer technology will get good enough that people could make movies using video game engines.
tl;dr; The lamestream music and movie industries are dinosaurs looking to eat up the Internet as one last futile push to remain relevant.

Think of it this way: Suppose you lived in a peaceful, neutral, and prosperous country that never provoked a war with anyone. One day, another nation hell-bent on conquest invades your country with the intention of taking its entire population away in shackles, repurposing them, and finally harvesting them.
Of course your country isn't just going to take this without a fight. Every invasion is met with a defensive war that costs both sides many resources. But here's the problem: Your country's peace culture forbids them from waging any form of offensive war. Every fight leaves your country progressively more damaged. Every battle makes some of the habitable land uninhabitable. And if it continues, there's going to be nothing left.
Then one day you stumble across the means to teleport the invading nation's land into deep space, putting an end to their conquest and oppression. Are you saying that even given that option, you would prefer instead to be taken away, repurposed, and harvested?

-The amount of economic activity the free Internet generates is vastly greater than whatever the lamestream movie/music industry ever will.
-The free Internet greatly contributes to research, transfer of information/knowledge, education, and civilization's advancement. The movie/music industries contribute almost nothing to those purposes
-There's more than 1 Internet industry. Just to name a few, you have: Online video games/digital distribution (GOG included!), database, Internet hardware (routers/switches/Ethernet cables/Wi-Fi adapters/cellular data networks), Internet service providers, databases, cloud apps, online shopping (Amazon, Newegg, etc), "Internet Of Things" (Internet-enabled household appliances), social networks, digital communications. (and this is by no means a comprehensive or complete list).
"Utter destruction of 2 whole economies"? Again, I beg to differ. You would still have independent artists and video game artists.
You should listen to Skyward Sword. It's Romantic, Adventurous, and Grandly Epic:

<3 Carma TDR
Registered: Mar 2012
From Greece
Posted January 29, 2017
lol. At least he did one thing good :P
lol. At least he did one thing good :P

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States

این نیز بگذرد
Registered: Feb 2014
From Finland

<3 Carma TDR
Registered: Mar 2012
From Greece

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted January 29, 2017
No doubt i'll get downvoted for it :P

Dark Souls II is the best one.
Registered: May 2016
From Zambia
Posted January 29, 2017
I, uhm, only kinda skimmed this a little I guess, but is that stuff about TPP and Internet censorship true?