_Line: I mean, it's weird for a Japanese based company to just move to another country like this, specially Sony, but why is this a bad thing?
Lucumo: It was only the HQ of their gaming division that got restructured and moved in 2016. BanditKeith2 already mentioned some things but an example would be that in 2018 they forced Japanese developers to submit their games + papers (in English) also to the US division, so that it could be screened there for any content etc that they might dislike, even if the game was only to be released in Japan. Obviously, this creates a problem, as it forces Japanese developers to submit to two "authorities" which adds extra work and then also in Enflish which they might not know + timezone differences and the like...and having someone from outside telling you how to do things, despite you only wanting to release it in Japan, well, not ideal. Needless to say, some smaller developers got rather pissed and after they fulfilled their contract, they said that they would move away from the Playstation (probably towards the Switch, as there was less censorship than on Sony's platform (which is rather funny)).
MysterD: Sony says they aren't done w/ acquiring studios yet either, as there will be more to come:
https://www.ign.com/articles/sony-playstation-more-acquisitions-coming-after-bungie Lucumo: As long as nobody touches Sega, I don't care. They might be garbage now, but 90s/early 00s Sega will always stay in my heart.
Oh God yes thats the irony here as for example of how things flipped a game named ''20 Ladies'' was allowed on Switch uncensored yet Sonys guidelines made it so it was censored so bad it was changed to'' 20 Bunnies'' On PlayStation
I bring that us as a prime example as its ironic in the fact Nitendo used to be the over censor happy sort and Sony was against Censorship.. And now its the reverse .. Note I ain't perverted but its just a prime example of how Sonys guidelines and rules changed aswell as Nitendos Heres a link about it