HunchBluntley: Having low rep doesn't mean they don't visit or buy from
GOG often, it means they don't come into or use the
forums very much. ;)
Was visiting the forums one of the requirements for getting more rep (I also know you get extra for writing messages, or getting replies to your messages, or your message being marked as a solution to a question, or people uprepping your message...).
So you don't get any rep at all if you merely log in and visit the main page? You actually have to click the "community" tab after that?
Ps. If I was the head of GOG Ltd, I'd change the system so that buying a GOG game gives you gazillion rep points! Yeah baby yeah! It is odd this is not the case, a bit like in Team Fortress 2 you don't get any points at all for capturing the enemy intel. That shit just doesn't make sense, you get points for completely different things like just running around killing enemies, not caring for actual objectives of the game.
If you'd get 100 points for capturing enemy intel, hell people would suddenly start caring for objectives more! Or buying GOG games, people would buy more GOG games just to get more rep. Capital investment man, you steal money to make more money.