Thanks much for all the suggestions! I have looked at dozens of games (including the suggestions here), reviews of them, gameplay videos of them, and discussion of them in various comments sections of sites. And I have done alot of tossing back and forth, finally deciding on two games for all.
This War of Mine, because the kids have already been numbed to what war is about, largely due to how it is portrayed in typical video games. By offering up this game to them I hope to inject a little balance. I know that I said no point-and-click in the rules. But rules are only ever really guidelines at best.
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, because it looks to provide some of that old school frustrating challenge mixed with a heavy dose of farcical fun. And while I won't be getting a copy of this one for myself, I will attempt to deceive them that I have, hopefully enjoying the ensuing banter. Because I'm a *good* uncle. It will be my own little game.
Thanks all.
tinyE: Have you ever played those? Not really pertaining to this thread, I'm just curious.
Briefly, yes. They weren't my thing, for various reasons. I'm pretty picky in general. I typically spend as much time or more finding a game to play as I do playing it to completion.