Falkenherz: Assuming that this solution is indeed the correct one, here is my puzzle which I made up half a life ago and which I think is super-awesome. Also, I have to go to bed now, so I won’t be able to check back for the next couple of hours.
A king has six daughters. Each daughter has her own room in the palace. These rooms are arranged equally spaced around a six-sided inner courtyard, one room on each of the six sides. Each of the rooms opens out onto a balcony overlooking the yard, with a huge oak tree in the middle of the yard.
All of the daughters ask their father to plant three flower beds under each of their balconies. The oak tree in the middle of the yard prevents each daughter from seeing the nine flower beds on the opposite site of the yard, but each can see the three flower beds beneath her balcony and the six flower beds of her neighbouring sisters.
As it happens, each daughter has two favouritee flowers and one that she absolutely hates. Each daughter requests that each of her favourite flowers stands on at least one of the flower beds that she can see. Also, each daughter wants there to be at least three flower beds within her sight that have one of her favourite flowers on it. However, each daughter also requests that the flower she hates stands on none of the flower beds that she can see. Furthermore, each daughter wants to have three different flower beds underneath her balcony. (Each flower bed can only have one sort of flower on it.)
The clockwise order of the rooms of the six daughters around the inner yard is: Anne, Barbara, Christine, Diana, Ellen, and Fiona.
Anne loves roses and violets but hates lilies.
Barbara loves daffodils and daisies but hates tulips.
Christine loves daisies and lilies but hates violets.
Diana loves tulips and roses but hates daffodils.
Ellen loves violets and daffodils but hates roses.
Fiona loves lilies and tulips but hates daisies.
The king is a very generous father and wants to fulfil the wishes of his daughters. But he is also somewhat greedy and does not want to spend more money on the flower beds than necessary.
What is the lowest amount of gold the king has to pay for the requested flower beds if the costs are as follows and if only these flowers are available:
A rose bed costs 60 gold.
A tulip bed costs 55 gold.
A lily bed costs 50 gold.
A daffodil bed costs 45 gold.
A violet bed costs 40 gold.
A daisy bed costs 35 gold.
I know the answer but I do not have a puzzle to share at the moment. Nice puzzle.
Hint: It's not as complicated as it first appears...