Disney has Marvel and Star Wars. Marvel is doing real good in terms of popularity and Star Wars is on the decline (a little bit, see box office results).
Did it happen that they got lucky and let the right people work on adapting comic books characters on screen but not for what seemed the most profitable movie brand at the time of their purchase ? Quite funny that most directors of Marvel movies are not very well-known by general audience contrary to the Star Wars ones.
As for Ranger Solo : The Lone Ranger, I only see it as a way to keep selling toys with a new face even though the character died two films ago.
I can't find anything exciting about Star Wars anymore so even though I was never the biggest fan as a kid, I liked them enough to get some videogames with the name on it. I've outgrown the franchise, and Star Wars getting stuck in a past that refuses to die (ironic since we have no one alive left from the original trio in the future films), cannot offer me anything of value.
Maybe we should get some kids to ask about how they feel about Star Wars but I think that Marvel is what they prefer.
Sorry Breja, I spat a little too much on Star Wars but if that's any consolation,
Obi-Wan remains my favorite character