Lukaszmik: Neither General titles nor Battle Isle changed the way they handled units mid-franchise.
Because changing a good system to stacks of doom would have been madness!
Lukaszmik: For that matter, your claim of improved gameplay after Civ V switched to single-unit-per-tile goes right against my own experience (and preference) where the stacks were superior. At the least, they allowed mass-unit-production to be a viable tactic without being constrained by simple "board" layout limitations (i.e. only so many hexes you can place an unit to attack). City assaults certainly turned in more of a grind because of that, never mind your horde of units stuck in the back unable to attack.
It is still a viable tactic, you just can't stockpile endlessly anymore. Ever heard of roads? I rarely had my units "stuck" in the back in Civ 5, only really slow units.
And you're the one always on about realism, it is more realistic to have slow units like cannons getting around slowly, hah!
Lukaszmik: It's something obviously subjective, but the reasons for your personal preference that you listed were rather questionable, as evidenced in a bunch of posts back.
They were not questionable, they are reasoned very well. You on the other hand seem to be of the "I'm tired of civ, so all the new ones suck" type of player. Every series has those. It is amazing that Civ has continually gotten better despite the likes of you!
Telika: Mmmaybe because in these games the tiles are not supposed to be 5000 km wide ?
But indeed, you didn't see people post about how they can't believe anyone enjoys them and how objectively lame and terrible it is. Weird. It's as if chess and rts enthousiasts didn't care much to show how each others are wrong. Or as if most of them enjoy different gameplays simultaneously.
Life is full of little oddities like that.
Is this supposed to be witty? Nevermind, I'll just continue with your problem: Immersion. How immersive is it, that you can only attack the strongest unit in a stack of doom? Is this how a battle goes? An archer fires into a huge army and only hits the units that are best defended against it? Doesn't that destroy your immersion?
I think its much more immersive to have these units spread out and to be able to attack any target that is in range.
Why don't you guys just admit that a proper strategic battle system like the one in Panzer General is really much to complicated for city builders like you. :D