Arundir: I can tell it only from my perspective over the years. TinyE was quite a good fellow, always chimed into a thread with his dry humour, which made you chuckle.
He was pretty active in this forum and gained a bit of a reputation, not only in numbers, but like the one guy among your friends how can crack the jokes. Then some people seemed to get sort of jealous of it, no idea, they started fights with him and he then got down voted into oblivion by bots.
He changed quite a bit after that and I despise the people who did that to him, because this forum was a bit of a home for him to socialize, before the shit show started.
I second this.
And while I'm aware that some users had a different experience/interaction, I don't really know the story behind those, so the above remains my perspective.
There were instances where he said he had to beg GOG to lift his ban, then on the next, he doesn't care if he'll get perma-banned (due to his recent activity).
So I can't really put the blame on any mod for that, since he got what he asked for. (assuming he is perma-banned)
timppu: BTW I respect it when people silently "exit" the forum, instead of those overly dramatic water-eyed exists where someone writes a long message why he is leaving and who he/she/it hates on the forum and blaa blaa blaa. Sorry, not interested in your motives, just go.
timppu: […] Those guys also have a tendency to return or not leave at all, blech.
That's because there's really no intention of leaving to begin with… they just seek attention.
But as always, there were exception. So I just rely on my "Bull" detector.
timppu: If I ever decide to leave the forum and/or the site, I promise to make it silently..
I always thought that's how it should be, and maybe some private messages here and there, to let certain people you cared for know.
So yeah, I also respect those who stick to that route.
timppu: […] You won't even notice I am not there anymore, it is like I never was.
You're quite known; someone is bound to notice. Bonus points if there's also a thread for you…