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I have a question about Two Worlds Epic Edition. I look in the Two Worlds series forums, which is by the way the forum for more than just Two Worlds Epic Edition, and, this is true FOR MANY MANY game here at gog, you see weeks and months between posts.

So, you post a question here in the main forums and inevitably someone points out you should post in the game specific forum.

Really? Is that the best advice for gamers who come to gog???? "Hey, we know many of those forums are so seldomly visited that you won't get a timely response, but dammit rules are rules, so please post in the appropriate forum."


Maybe it would be a better idea to consolidate forums into two (or three or four at the most).

Such as:
GENERAL FORUM - General gog related stuff - sales talk, new arrivals, etc.
GAMING QUESTIONS - If one is too few for all the games, then maybe have separate forums for genres instead of each individual game/series?
Then if you wanted more:

Or something. But seriously, someone comes here and buys, ok let's say Two Worlds Epic Edition. Decides to install and play it (for the first time). 5 minutes in sees that when NPC's are talking their lips don't move, and comes here to ask about. Current Options are 1)Post a question in the game specific forum and not get an answer before you've likely finished the game, or 2)Post a question here in the main forum and get "reminded" that it would be better to post in the game specific forum, or 3)Give up on gog and go to the Steam forums for help, and when you find better response rates there decide that's where you'll stay.

Is that really the best we can do?

ADDEDInterestingly enough, since I'm on a different PC and had to download TWEE again, that bug is no longer present. So apparently gog replaced the offending lipsync file with the correct one. Nice to not have to do that little bit of process every time you install it. Especially since you can't find good links anymore to be able to do it yourself.
Post edited November 18, 2023 by OldFatGuy
OldFatGuy: Current Options are 1)Post a question in the game specific forum and not get an answer before you've likely finished the game, or 2)Post a question here in the main forum and get "reminded" that it would be better to post in the game specific forum, or 3)Give up on gog and go to the Steam forums for help, and when you find better response rates there decide that's where you'll stay.

Is that really the best we can do?
Secret option 4: search the sub-forum for posts from folks who had similar issues. A solution is given in this thread:
Post edited November 18, 2023 by SCPM
OldFatGuy: Current Options are 1)Post a question in the game specific forum and not get an answer before you've likely finished the game, or 2)Post a question here in the main forum and get "reminded" that it would be better to post in the game specific forum, or 3)Give up on gog and go to the Steam forums for help, and when you find better response rates there decide that's where you'll stay.

Is that really the best we can do?
SCPM: Secret option 4: search the sub-forum for posts from folks who had similar issues. A solution is given in this thread:
I did a search there, found that very thread, and the link(s) no longer work. Big surprise since it's dated, you know, 2010. Option 4 often doesn't help gamers. Thus my question about this issue in general.
Post edited November 18, 2023 by OldFatGuy
Never understood the people who say you should write in the game specific subsections. I took it it was kinda understood you only post there if you are willing to wait months for any kind of answer. Or most just use it as ''Killroy was here 2014'' writings on the wall. For some popular games the subforums may be useful, but most are just for posting legacy info for dedicated fans.

re: your suggestion to consolidate the forums -- ain't gonna happen. You should know that gog is reluctant to change anything with the code.

Unless you're feeling lucky or have time to spare - post questions in the general section. Clutter be damned.

Steam has forums now!?
Post edited November 18, 2023 by Atlo
Atlo: Unless you're feeling lucky or have time to spare - post questions in the general section. Clutter be damned.
Yeah, I'm thinking that's answer. And those that come in and suggest everyone post in the game specific forum be damned as well, I guess.

I don't see another option. When a gamer is playing a game and has questions, hours or even a few days is acceptable, but weeks and months makes it not worth asking.

So, yeah, sub forums be damned. Post all questions here. I can get on board with this.
OldFatGuy: So, you post a question here in the main forums and inevitably someone points out you should post in the game specific forum.

Really? Is that the best advice for gamers who come to gog???? "Hey, we know many of those forums are so seldomly visited that you won't get a timely response, but dammit rules are rules, so please post in the appropriate forum."

The more people post offtopic specific game query threads in the main forum instead of using the dedicated forum makes the problem of underused specific game forums worse. If questions etc. were posted in the correct game forum instead of just walloping anything in the main forum that would result in better used game forums which would lead to them being the first place people would think of to look for answers or ask questions. Then the issue of the under utilised game forums would be a thing of the past.

Quite often the answer for many questions are already sitting in plain view in the relevant game forum, it's just people seem now more used to putting anything on the main forum that they no longer bother to look on the game forums:( Not getting at you, this is just my opinion.
I wonder if it would be acceptable to create a post in the 'General discussion' area with a brief description of the issue in the title or the post itself, then, simply provide a hyperlink to the main post in the game-specific forum.

Should you be required to? No. As has been stated, many of those game-specific forums are incredibly-inactive. One section that I have saved, has not had any posts in over five years.
Post edited November 18, 2023 by Palestine
I don't think anyone would ever buy Two Worlds on GOG any more, because one time, somebody created a thread title on this forum which totally spoiled the ending right in the thread title itself, and hence the whole entire game, and thus made it absolutely not worth buying.
Post edited November 18, 2023 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I don't think anyone would ever buy Two Worlds on GOG any more, because one time, somebody created a thread title on this forum which totally spoiled the ending right in the thread title itself, and hence the whole entire game, and thus made it absolutely not worth buying.
Well, maybe not, but it's not just Two Worlds. The Gothic series forum is there for, what, four games (or maybe five?). And I think I've counted 5 posts in that forum other than mine in the past month or two, and that's for four (or five) games. (Gothic, Gothic 2, Gothic 3, Forsaken Gods, and I don't know if The Chronicles of Myrtana has it's own or is also part of the Gothic series forum).

I mean, that's just two I've experienced lately. There are literally hundreds of games here that are over 20 years old I'd imagine. (For the record, Two Worlds isn't yet 20 years old). I'd guess the amount of posts in those are few and far between as well.

Searching through those game specific forums will help many times, and I've found many answers to my question just by searching without a need to post, but often times there is no answer, or, as in this example, there are answers but the links are outdated and gone and this could be the very thing that a new post could help. Perhaps someone sees the new post and has some updated links or info that could help. Again, posting it in many game specific forums would likely mean you won't get an answer before you finished the game, literally. That's no help at all.
OldFatGuy: ADDEDInterestingly enough, since I'm on a different PC and had to download TWEE again, that bug is no longer present. So apparently gog replaced the offending lipsync file with the correct one. Nice to not have to do that little bit of process every time you install it. Especially since you can't find good links anymore to be able to do it yourself.
So the lipsync bug has been fixed now?

I can't remember if I noticed that bug when I played TWEE maybe a year ago. Just a bit, going outside to kill some enemies etc. I think I did have dialogue with some NPC there...
Palestine: I wonder if it would be acceptable to create a post in the 'General discussion' area with a brief description of the issue in the title or the post itself, then, simply provide a hyperlink to the main post in the game-specific forum.
This gave me an idea... I don't know if it's any good, you tell me.
We could create a "gaming questions" thread in the general discussion forum; if someone has a problem with game x, he/she could post there stating "I have a problem with game x, I've opened a thread in the game subforum, let's discuss the matter there". This would give the subforums some degree of visibility while avoiding to clutter the main forum. Eventually the thread could be made sticky.
cose_vecchie: We could create a "gaming questions" thread in the general discussion forum; if someone has a problem with game x, he/she could post there stating "I have a problem with game x, I've opened a thread in the game subforum, let's discuss the matter there". This would give the subforums some degree of visibility while avoiding to clutter the main forum. Eventually the thread could be made sticky.
Good idea, I'm in :)
I'm thinking it would help if the General Discussion forum weren't so easily accessible. How about:
* Not privileging the General Discussion forum on the site header.
* Maybe making an account age (or something) requirement to post in General Discussion, but not in the specific game forums.
* And, of course, make the specific game forums more easily visible.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I don't think anyone would ever buy Two Worlds on GOG any more, because one time, somebody created a thread title on this forum which totally spoiled the ending right in the thread title itself, and hence the whole entire game, and thus made it absolutely not worth buying.
I'm of the opinion that, if it's possible for a spoiler to ruin a game, than the game wasn't good in the first place. (Then again, there should still be a rule against doing that, since there are some spoiler-sensitive people (I'm not one of them).)
timppu: So the lipsync bug has been fixed now?
Well, depending on your definition of "fixed," yeah. The latest version of gog's download that I just downloaded last night includes the lip sync file that we used to have to search for and download and install ourselves. So, yes, NPC's lips move when talking (as opposed to not moving at all), but I think it's fair to say that as far as lip movement syncing up with the words they're saying isn't entirely "fixed". (and never was to my knowledge lol).
dtgreene: Then again, there should still be a rule against doing that, since there are some spoiler-sensitive people.
Yeah, you're right and I'm one of the most guilty of this. In fact, I'm pretty sure that Ancient-Red-Dragon is talking about me in this specific example as when I did my last run through in summer of 2022 I posted here about one of the endings when I finished. And Ancient-Red-Dragon wasn't happy with me at all.

I apologize to ARD and to everyone. I wish I could say it won't happen again, but I'll probably forget and post spoilers again. Maybe gog could enforce it with temporary bans or something? I'd likely not forget then. I'll try not to now, but... shit I dunno, I'll probably forget.

I did that run thru playing perma death, and beat it on medium difficulty. And ever since then I thought I'd like to try playing perma-death on hard difficulty and that's why I downloaded it again last night.
Post edited November 19, 2023 by OldFatGuy
If everyone posts and gets help in General, then those posts become impossible to find in the future for other people who have the same problem.

But GOG doesn't care or they would invest time in fixing this problem.

Your specific example is actually a good example of why posting in the game-specific forum can be beneficial, you and other people were able to find information about that problem and what other people did to solve it beforehand. Maybe some file links were expired but you at least know that there is a patch somewhere.

In practice for old games probably crossposting to both forums (after checking the sub-forum for an existing thread) is the best compromise. Get help and then make sure that the solution is also crossposted to the sub-forum.