hedwards: Thanks. I'll still have more work to do making sure that our delegates make it to the national convention, but here in WA, that's somewhat less of a challenge than turning out enough of the vote to maximize our take.
Politics in America have gotten to be a real circus and unfortunately, people globally suffer when we elect morons.
tinyE: At least you don't have fellow Democrats showing up to beat the shit out of your candidate as well as people in Mexico celebrating Easter by burning effigies of him. XD
And that's why Trump is going to be president. Bernie has become a cartoon Twitter meme, meanwhile Trump effigies burn in Mexico city.
Here's a little history lesson... loser candidates get a reality show, presidents get burned in effigy. Someone burning a fake version of yourself is a clear sign of success.
That's why they call him Teflon Trump. The bullets shot at him only make him stronger.