tinyE: The NBA is going to pull the All Star game out, the NFL will no doubt strike down any Pro Bowl/Super Bowl considerations, ditto for the NHL. They can also kiss anything new corporate taking up residence.
It looks bad now but these people are on the wrong side of history with no leg to stand on and if they don't get their shit together they are all going to seriously regret this.
Remember when Arizona struck down a law making Martin Luther King Day a holiday? They almost lost their statehood and boy, weren't they quick to call an emergency meeting and reverse it.
I hadn't heard about the Arizona thing. I really shouldn't be surprised at this point, but I kind of am.
As for the NC law, even if the anti-trans bullshit and the stripping of anti-discrimination measures across the board gets tossed out, the bullshit about preventing county and city governments from, say, changing their minimum wage won't automatically get struck down as well. Given that the cost of living in NC skyrockets dramatically if you happen to live in the bigger cities like Charlotte or Raleigh.
I do hope that this shit gets chucked out, but I am not holding my breath for a speedy resolution. In the meantime, caution is warranted. I'm not affected by the bathroom bollocks, but some people close to me are. I know that people's reaction to trans people has been bad before, but in a state that just passed a law legitimizing that kind of prejudice, date night with one person in particular has gotten a whole hell of a lot scarier. Hoping that things don't get bad enough here that I need to start carrying; those fucking things give me the willies.