CARRiON.FLOWERS: As someone else said, there is no reason they can't make games and pachinko machines at the same time. Instead they choose to completely fuck themselves out of a market with some very highly respected ips like MGS, Castlevania, Contra, Silent Hill etc...
So don't act surprised that people are pissed off because now these titles are under a creative prison. Silent Hills looked like it could have been fucking fantastic and a return to form.
Elmofongo: If people bought more games like Silent Hill Downpour they would still be in the console buisness.
CARRiON.FLOWERS: Maybe because games like Downpour and Homecoming are piss poor Silent Hill games, and deserve to be tossed in a fire. Along with that godawful fucking "HD" port. If I had to choose between more Downpours and Homecomings and god forbid, Shattered Memories, or nothing at all, then they can fucking keep it and choke on it. Tomm Hulett is a hack.
But they listened to the core fans, and Silent Hills looked extremely promising. NOPE! Dead. Fucking right I'm salty.
Fuck Konami. I blame Kojima for this since he went to ambitious with the game I mean for fuck's sake Guillermo Del Toro? and the guy from the Walking Dead?! And a new engine? And making MGS 5 at the same time?!
The budget for this game must have been ridiculous.