kohlrak: But it's hard to use it all, especially when you have to judge multiple accounts and things like that. At least with the forums, they have controls.
JMich: Is it hard? Why? And what kind of control do you suggest they have over the forum?
They can make posts, destroy posts, edit posts, whatever. They can add features, remove features, etc. They have complete control.
kohlrak: So, multiple votes count?
Depends on how much data you have, and whether you can see if someone has only voted, only commented or both.
Once you have multiple sources, you really can't tell, especially if only one of them is under your complete control.
kohlrak: Where do you get the idea of using support tickets for feedback? Tht seems strange to me, especially if you want to show support for something. Usually people don't like to go through the "wrong method" for doing something. Support tickets are help requests, not feature feedback mechanisms.
It used to be in the support pages, though I can't find it in the new one. Still, when you go to open a ticket, go to "Other Issues" and take a look through the listed problem types. It has a couple of "suggestions" categories, as well as "kudos / positive feedback" in the listed options.
Weird. That still doesn't suggest that the average shmuck sees it that way. Especially since people typically don't go through such options until they have a problem.
kohlrak: so, there's no real evidence. Gotcha.
Vainamoinen: Here ya go.
It's a bit old, sorry, but then again, how often do you have users that actually confess to using alts?
Ok, so we know people have done it, but the snipe hunting i'm referring to is the stuff regarding galaxy. BKGaming is practically shouting at the wind because the post rep counts don't match what he wants it to match. From what I see in this pic, the guy has a few alts. So is he the only one doing it? If there's more, how many more? What issues do these people feel are worth dragging out the alts? Are these people with the alts still here, or did they have their accounts removed by gog?