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tinyE: I don't know how it got this aura of worst ever. I don't think it's great, or even good, but some of the shit that is out there laves Daikatana in the dust when in comes to sucking.
New crap is far more numerous than the old crap. Not to mention i think some of the horrors of Daikatana was due to bugs that have been patched out (i think).

I've played the first level or so. The graphics look early/weak PS2, voice acting and story seemed silly, and i couldn't figure my way around the level very well (got lost at a bridge).

Zero Punctuation
Video Game History
My thumb hurts
I think the people's reaction to the game has more to do with the awful console ports, just like Two Worlds.... the N64 port of Daikatana, much like xbox's port of Two Worlds, was very cringeworthy, and when people say they are the worst games ever they are thinking of what youtube people have said about those particular versions.

Daikatana is just an acceptable shooter, while Two Worlds is actually a quite good Gothic clone, if you look beyond its "personality".
jefequeso: I haven't gotten to the companions yet.
From what i heard this was one of the worst aspects of the game. when you play 1h+ with companion can you please post some info?

I have yet to play.

SHOGO was great btw. One of my favourite fps every.
Are you playing it vanilla or do you have mods installed?
jefequeso: I haven't gotten to the companions yet.
lukaszthegreat: From what i heard this was one of the worst aspects of the game. when you play 1h+ with companion can you please post some info?

I have yet to play.

SHOGO was great btw. One of my favourite fps every.
I will post an update once I've started having to deal with them :)
theslitherydeee: Are you playing it vanilla or do you have mods installed?
Well, it has patch 1.2 installed and the 1.3 fan patch, so it's modded a little. Won't be the complete vanilla experience.
Post edited December 15, 2015 by jefequeso
jefequeso: Well, it has patch 1.2 installed and the 1.3 fan patch, so it's modded a little. Won't be the complete vanilla experience.
I imagine that's it's saving grace, a couple of mods can make a world of difference.
jefequeso: is Daikatana really the worst thing ever?
No, it's one of the best shooting games you'll ever play.
Post edited December 15, 2015 by Rottencorpsex
Shogo is really cringey
jefequeso: Well, it has patch 1.2 installed and the 1.3 fan patch, so it's modded a little. Won't be the complete vanilla experience.
theslitherydeee: I imagine that's it's saving grace, a couple of mods can make a world of difference.
Guess that means the N64 version will continue to be the worst version of it then?
I think all the negativity around Daikatana was mostly backlash against the Hype. It didn't fulfill expectations, it was released way too late when there were already much better FPS around and the companions sucked. If it hadn't been hyped so agressively before, no one would remember it any more. It would just have been one more mediocre game. Enjoyable in some parts, forgettable in others. But with the unfulfilled Hype it quickly became "Teh worst evah!11!!!"
The hype made Daikatana the horrible game that it is often portrayed as. It had big names (of the time) behind it, Ion Storm blew huge piles of money on grand offices and the like, it was in development forever, and the marketing promised a metric ton of content. Expectations were so high that whatever Ion Storm produced could never have met them.

It's much like when people recommend you a game, you play it and find out that it wasn't the gaming equivalent of the second coming after all. For example, I know that I think worse of Skyrim and The Walking Dead because of recommendations. Even if Daikatana was a mediocre game, I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't find it too bad, if only because people have already set my expectations bar so low.
Nah it's crap.

AI is awful, it doesn't look good even for its age, a lot of enemies are godawful, Daikatana is bad weapon, several weapons are more likely to hurt yourself than enemy, companions plainly suck and have no brain. There are still bugs, Hiro is idiot, story and its presentation are horrible, the really final boss is just joke and maybe I haven't mentioned it but companions are stupid idiots. Also one of them is named Superfly and the other one has incredibly annoying voice.
"I can't leave without my buddy Superfly!"
Yes you can! He is stuck mid-level anyway and won't be ever coming so tough luck, mate.

It makes "You must gather your party before venturing worth." sound like heavenly music.

I can't imagine how it was to play game with such aweful companion AI with limited saves. I saved after they overcame any different obstacle (corner, ladder, doors, you know usual deathtraps...)

It maybe got too much, maybe undeserved, hate around its release but to balance it out currently people are unjustly apologetic toward it instead.

It's no Gods and Generals but to call it mediocre is offence to tru mediocre games. There is so much FPS games one could enjoy much more and if it wasn't done by Romero and surrounded by everything that happened around it, it would disappear in the depths of history as one of the subpar uniteresting nameless games.
Only few would remember it for it either its leveling system or different settings but otherwise it would be forgotten because the game itself just doesn't cut it.
Post edited December 15, 2015 by Vitek
jefequeso: I have played through 1 1/2 levels. So far, I don't think it's awful. Actually, I'm having fun. It feels rough, but not any more so than, say, Blood 1 or Shogo. In some ways it has a bit of an Unreal vibe, actually, which I like.

I haven't gotten to the companions yet.

So, be honest... is Daikatana really the worst thing ever? Or was all the negativity just a backlash against the development cycle and the marketing?

Or does it just get really bad once companions come into play?
The first episode of the game actually is one of the worst things in FPS, but then it actually gets rather good. The AI is still a bit retarded, but it's late a late 90s game so I wouldn't hold it against the game.
I mean the second episode is significantly better and then it kinda holds at least some standard. I've never thought of the game as the worst FPS ever, because I've actually played the whole game through once, so I know it's not significantly worse than the majority of shooters from that day. There were better ones, but there were a lot of games that provided the same or worse as Daikatana did.
AlKim: Expectations were so high that whatever Ion Storm produced could never have met them.
Not true. Very likely if they kept with the Quake 1 engine and just finished the game in a somewhat timely manner it could have been far better. But porting engine after engine, starting over repeatedly... And the bad money management...