ResidentLeever: How is is this relevant to my post?
Vendor-Lazarus: Because you posted youtube vids which does exactly what I mentioned maybe?
Or are you saying Arkham asylum and Dead Space are Metroidvanias?
So those two are added based on comments at r/metroidvania. Dead Space I haven't played yet, Arkham Asylum I beat just the other day. The playlists are roughly ordered by how well the games fit into the genre with better fitting games ranking higher, as explained in the descriptions. You can click the link to the site for entries on each game with further info, as well as my definition of the genre and subgenres/spinoffs of it on the main page and subgenres key page.
Arkham Asylum is certainly not a standard platformer but also not a "pure" MV in my view, being almost completely linear and having the platforming mechanics of a 3D Zelda. Edit: But it's ranked quite low already while still having some clear MV elements in its ability gating, exp point leveling and an interconnected world besides the hub and spokes structure so I see no reason to change its position.