Posted April 08, 2017

I'm also not surprised you don't know, for example, what job a linguist would do in a coalition force. That's ok. I'd explain but there's a file size limit on GOG attachments so pictures are out.
Afganistan was a Neocon war and it was a show war. It was nothing but fighting to defend poppy fields and installing a huge mafia of sodomites over the locals. Are you proud you were part of that? Do you really think those people had anything to do with 9/11? What do you think of your fellow soldiers who were courtmartialed for reporting pedophiles in the Afghan police forces? How do you feel about your friendly fire casualty rates being higher that enemy deaths and killing thousands of civilians through carpet bombing of towns and cities in Afghanistan?
The military had changed so much in five years that when I reported for duty I didn't recognize it. It's like the Sodom army now. Are you proud you fought to make the world safe for Israel? Don't you think it would make more sense just to enlist in the ADL? That's who runs the American military now. It's a colonial army. If I went to Afghanistan to kill civilians getting married and American heroes like Pat Ryan I would not be too proud of it. Was that your unit? Notice you didn't tell me what unit you were in yet.

What a laugh.
Ironically, it seems the greatest service that Cleve could do for the gaming community would be to never finish his game so that we never have to hear from him again.
And he's racist too. Shocker.
Post edited April 08, 2017 by CBlakemore