dirtyharry50: Well it has been over a month now since the last email so hopefully there will be some more news from his royal Cleveness soon. He had promised some time ago to be more frequent with updates but then Cleve has a way of promising lots of things and not getting to them. I get the feeling he himself really believes he'll do these things when he is saying he will but he is not realistic about the scope of the tasks at hand nor the time involved in completing them. I also sometimes wonder if he is so invested in this thing that he is afraid to release it until it reaches some state of holiness or something.
Anyway, I am one of the faithful pledges and if he decides to tell us anything I'll be sure to come here and share whatever news there might be whenever that might be.
nijuu: Im kind of curious. From bits and pieces ive read he has worked on this game for a longtime time. I know he had a Indiegogo project. Was their a Kickstarter?.
He ran a Indiegogo campaign twice, failing to come close to goal both times although he did raise some cash. I have to confess, I pledged to this project knowing it has been in development on and off for some 17+ years at this point. I feel more than a little silly admitting that but oh, well. I'd been following the back and forth between him and some folks on rpgcodex for a while and I had played the demo so I decided to take a chance on this and support his work. I actually don't feel too badly about it though. Maybe it is just a case of hope springing eternal but I think he is going to deliver the goods eventually. I just hope I am still alive to see it and play it. For that matter, I hope Cleve lives long enough to finish what he started here.
I'd also love to see another pitch video. The others were pure comedy gold. I'll give him one thing, the guy is pretty funny. I'm hoping there is plenty of his sense of humor in the game here and there. That would be great and give it a truly unique personality.
There was no kickstarter by the way. I forget why. I think it had something to do with him residing in Australia or something? I don't know though.
I feel like I am sitting in a pumpkin patch awaiting the arrival of the Great Pumpkin here, one of the very few believers, but you'll all see I tell you! Just as the Great Pumpkin will rise up on Halloween night so too will the mighty Grimoire rise up and all will be amazed by this epic game. You'll see!!!
solzariv: I'm out of patience.
That was the last time I'll ever give $60 to a fat racist weirdo.
Yikes. I wouldn't take that bait as much as I wanted the strategy guide, preferably in PDF form. I still hope he sells it separately later. Who knows? I can always hope. I went with the cheapest pledge at twenty five bucks and thought that was a lot to "invest."
This is the only time I've ever backed anything in development. At the time old Cleve was hinting only pledges would ever see or get to play the game as I recall. I'm pretty sure that was how he sucked me in. Not that he held a gun to my head. I own this. I did it. I might as well be a man and take responsibility for putting down money towards a game with a storied 17 year history of development - so far!