Posted April 07, 2016

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy

I bark at trees!
Registered: Oct 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted April 07, 2016

Registered: Jul 2011
From United States

Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia
Posted April 07, 2016

I believe people who smoke cigarettes are subconsciously suicidal, and I would also like them to die. (:
E-cigarettes are also extremely gross. Go suck on some jolly ranchers or a root beer barrel if you want flavor in your mouth and leave other people out of it. Some people don't even think it matters and will blow a huge billow of smoke right in your direction and say "it's just vapor!" WTF?! I want to break their e-cigarettes in half and stab them in the eyeballs with the 2 remaining pieces.
Sometimes a regular pipe tobacco smoke or even cigar can smell nice, but I don't want my exposure to them to be anything but passing quickly.
I do love to smoke cannabis, but I do that in my own private space where no one is forced to encounter it. The varying smells and flavors are delectable.
Give up the dope,because you have become one.
I cannot believe a sane person would make such a statement,see a psychiatrist (real quick) or....line 8,last word.
Post edited April 08, 2016 by Tauto

Per aspera ad astra
Registered: Jun 2014
From Greece
Posted April 07, 2016
Not long ago there was a similar law in effect over here but didn't last very long... people stopped smoking for a while until everybody act like it never happened. What can you say... Greece! :P Personally, I don't smoke. I can't stand the smell.

Not a lobster
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted April 07, 2016
I can't smoke, it gives me a terrible headache. Even being around non-tobacco smoke too much (wood fires, etc) causes them for me.
I did tend to associate with the smoking-inclined group in High school, but it never really rubbed off.
In part, because it was expensive and I never had the money to fund the habit. That which I did manage to accumulate, went towards my PC gaming habit, which was likely for the best.
Also, I wasn't exactly a rebellious kid, and I was too afraid to get into trouble.
I did tend to associate with the smoking-inclined group in High school, but it never really rubbed off.
In part, because it was expensive and I never had the money to fund the habit. That which I did manage to accumulate, went towards my PC gaming habit, which was likely for the best.
Also, I wasn't exactly a rebellious kid, and I was too afraid to get into trouble.

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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60.27% Through!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Denmark
Posted April 08, 2016
Quit cigarettes more than a years ago.Switched to vaping for 4 months and really enjoyed it. Then decided to stop it all together.
Smoking is fucking expensive and tastes like butthole. Vaping was way better in every way and I still recommend it to people as a harm reduction tool.
That being said I am nearly at the one year point of being nicotine free. Go me!
Smoking is fucking expensive and tastes like butthole. Vaping was way better in every way and I still recommend it to people as a harm reduction tool.
That being said I am nearly at the one year point of being nicotine free. Go me!

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece

60.27% Through!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Denmark
Posted April 08, 2016
Only when I lit up in elevators and maternity wards. They had no ashtrays.
Musk, it is called "Musk"
Musk, it is called "Musk"
Post edited April 08, 2016 by ScotchMonkey

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

v o i d | flower
Gloomy User
Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted April 08, 2016

My gradmother was a HARDCORE smoker for 50+ years, had a health issue one day, went to the doctor, he told her if she kept smoking she was going to die soon. She stopped cold turkey and never had another and 25 years later is still alive.
I think people are just lazy and weak and don't want to take responsibility for their own actions and choices.
Oh and if you blew smoke in my face I most certainly would vomit in yours.
People who smoke in houses or cars with children (or animals) should have those children (or animals) taken away from them. They shouldn't be permitted to have anything to do with the well-being of another living thing.
For me, quitting smoking was rather painless, but cutting out alcohol was one of the hardest things I've ever done. For my parents, they're having a very hard time quitting smoking, but they can drink on and off no problem.
I won't argue about smoking around children because I mostly agree that you shouldn't do that, but on the other hand they're not my kids and I'm not going to tell people how to live since it gets on my nerves when others do that to me.
If you vomited in my face I would return the favor. Now this party is really getting started.
Post edited April 08, 2016 by CARRiON.FLOWERS

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted April 08, 2016
low rated

As for the rest of it, people are just making it more complex than it needs to be, and that is why I call them weak and lazy. Control your hand, and don't pick up a cigarette, or alcohol. It's easy to NOT do something, you just don't do it.
Post edited April 08, 2016 by drealmer7

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States