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This for real? Can USA people confirm that? Is its signal easy to intercept from third party bastards, also...?

For me, this is important and it explains a lot. Some time ago, a shady person from local university (introduced as doc. running an international experiment on energy conservation through new technology), installed one in my house, claiming all this foolishness; energy conservation, checking your own consumption yourself, up to 2020 all houses to have one in them and by then obligatory, etc. I had no idea, allowed him to install one over my electricity clock plus one inside house. This explains a lot, because i have even internet interference... Clearing the history doesn't stop ads from stuff i visited before deleting history to keep popping up, when i log to my email service, down left side of the browser various unknown webpages flash through totally unrelated to the one of the mail service (even the one of that sh*tty university i mentioned before) and what's worse, in the past, persons who hacked me, doxxed me, forged faked evidence and trapped me in various cases i wasn't guilty of in any way, guess what, were professionally related to that SPECIFIC sh*tty university, on the field of electronics and computer science.

Can anyone confirm or deny and even better, shed some light over this very specific device and its implementation in homes?
It's greatly overstated. The smart meters exist to better coordinate power distribution. They won't know if you're using an electronic toothbrush or something that uses the same amount of current.

The current system requires that they guess at the demand and keep within a range. In the past that worked OK, because most devices weren't as susceptible to damage due to voltage fluctuation. So, they'd tend to keep the voltage closer to 126 than 120 knowing that it could get down to 114 without serious problems as devices are supposed to be able to handle it.

The power company needs to know when demand is likely to be higher or lower and to know roughly how much electricity they need to plan on providing at any given time. They can't target single houses, so keeping records of specific residences moment by moment makes no sense and they're certainly not going to be storing records of it forever, that would be a huge waste of money.

As far as spying goes, there's far more effective means of spying, the small amount of data that they could theoretically obtain like this would be of little use. The worst case scenario would be them identifying grow operations and they can already do that because pot growers use many times as much electricity as a normal residence would.

I'm hoping to begin an apprenticeship as a lineman next year, so I've already been reading up on the power grid. I'm personally one that tends to be more on the paranoid side of things, so chances are good that if I don't see a problem there probably isn't one.
tinyE: Or you can just start shooting down the drones that fly over your house.*
HereForTheBeer: I'm saving my ammo for better uses, like fighting off the UN "peacekeeping" invaders. Besides, the tin foil helmet protects me from drone surveillance.
Just make sure it's actual tin foil and not the cheap aluminum foil that they sell these days. The aluminum foil not only fails to block the mind reading equipment, it actually amplifies it.
Post edited August 01, 2015 by hedwards
Just like lots of other things that the government gets involved with, they'll shove it down everyone's throats and make it mandatory... until some engineer geek figures out a way to hack them and turn smart meters into RF bombs or EMP devices. Then the government will ban them. So be sure to do everything the government tells you! That is until they tell you to do something entirely different.
tinyE: If it is true, who cares? I'm not doing anything illegal and I pity the poor guy who has to monitor that surveillance footage. :P
I pity the foo'! >:o

This for real? Can USA people confirm that? Is its signal easy to intercept from third party bastards, also...?
Assuming the data is sent for how much you use every minute, it can tell quite a bit. Every device will have it's own amount of pull, and quite a few devices will correlate to the same things (200wats might be your fridge, 100 watts for your water heater, and 15-50 watts for light bulbs). But very few devices are ever THAT precise, more likely bulbs deviate a bit, perhaps 50.0215 watts; And just doing several sets of divisions/subtractions and combinations what devices are noted and commonly used it can be determine if you turned on 2 lights and turned off 1, which can easily be translated as 'he changed to the back room'. If each bulb has it's own unique wattage number, they could over time figure out which lights correlate to what rooms.

Now let's consider at a programming/data level, if we took the amount of power used say 10 times a second, then shoved that into 10 floats, then sent a package every minute. That's a total of 4*10*60 + 16 (for house id and packet id) = 2416 bytes; that would be 3Mb a day and 1.2Gigs a year (raw data, compression and differential differences would likely greatly compress the data to a fraction of it's size, probably 200Mb). I know for 20 seconds at a time i might turn on a ice shaving machine, and honestly when things change 1-2 things at a time, it becomes easier and easier to identify based on how much power they use. Much like substitution based cryptography, all you need is more data before you can decode all the data in front of you. Bouncing 2k of data along a endless wireless router that only the energy company can use, and that's entirely possible.

So from the video and my personal perspective, it's entirely possible. But that's just how i see it.
HereForTheBeer: gas pump tracks your driving patterns
She's always watching me when I leave home! :O
HereForTheBeer: gas pump tracks your driving patterns
phaolo: I KNEW IT!
She's always watching me when I leave home! :O

This is something that COULD happen. But it's currently not, even with the newest meters. For the details to occur as the video posits, each device / appliance would need a digital identifier and some sort of networking hardware. Pretty sure my stove doesn't have that, nor my desk lamp, nor the garage door opener. So a smart meter will tell the power company that SOMEthing is occurring to cause 1.2 kW of consumption right now at this address, and they can make an educated guess based on the time of day, weather conditions, calendar date, etc., but they can't say with specificity what it is I'm doing with that power - at least not with today's smart meter.

This for real? Can USA people confirm that? Is its signal easy to intercept from third party bastards, also...?

For me, this is important and it explains a lot. Some time ago, a shady person from local university (introduced as doc. running an international experiment on energy conservation through new technology), installed one in my house, claiming all this foolishness; energy conservation, checking your own consumption yourself, up to 2020 all houses to have one in them and by then obligatory, etc. I had no idea, allowed him to install one over my electricity clock plus one inside house. This explains a lot, because i have even internet interference... Clearing the history doesn't stop ads from stuff i visited before deleting history to keep popping up, when i log to my email service, down left side of the browser various unknown webpages flash through totally unrelated to the one of the mail service (even the one of that sh*tty university i mentioned before) and what's worse, in the past, persons who hacked me, doxxed me, forged faked evidence and trapped me in various cases i wasn't guilty of in any way, guess what, were professionally related to that SPECIFIC sh*tty university, on the field of electronics and computer science.

Can anyone confirm or deny and even better, shed some light over this very specific device and its implementation in homes?
I live in Australia I can confirm this they just came 4 years ago and installed it Makes your electricity bils WAY MORE EXPENSIVE and yes it's a spying tool they can monitor what you are doing in REAL TIME and it causes BAD PAINS IN YOUR BODY AS WELL BAD COLORECTAL PAINS!
tinyE: If it is true, who cares? I'm not doing anything illegal and I pity the poor guy who has to monitor that surveillance footage. :P
At least try to say it with a straight face.
tinyE: If it is true, who cares? I'm not doing anything illegal and I pity the poor guy who has to monitor that surveillance footage. :P
LoboBlanco: At least try to say it with a straight face.
Okay I confess. The other day I recorded a baseball game without the express written consent of the Detroit Tigers or Major League Baseball.
LoboBlanco: At least try to say it with a straight face.
tinyE: Okay I confess. The other day I recorded a baseball game without the express written consent of the Detroit Tigers or Major League Baseball.
To be fair, the real crime here is liking the Tigers after so many horrendous seasons.
tinyE: Okay I confess. The other day I recorded a baseball game without the express written consent of the Detroit Tigers or Major League Baseball.
hedwards: To be fair, the real crime here is liking the Tigers after so many horrendous seasons.
What do I care, I'm a Cards fan. :P
LoboBlanco: At least try to say it with a straight face.
tinyE: Okay I confess. The other day I recorded a baseball game without the express written consent of the Detroit Tigers or Major League Baseball.
According to the surveillance operator, they weren´t exactly "bats" nor "tigers" and the MLB badge actually resembled a bunny with a tie.
Post edited August 01, 2015 by LoboBlanco
fr33kSh0w2012: I live in Australia I can confirm this they just came 4 years ago and installed it Makes your electricity bils WAY MORE EXPENSIVE
I'm suddenly reminded, back when i lived in a nearby town. The electrical billing was a little weird, because they had one entry for charging you per watt... Then they had a second entry that cost more that was a 'delivery charge'... Your electrical bill was almost always $200 or more.
tinyE: If it is true, who cares? I'm not doing anything illegal and I pity the poor guy who has to monitor that surveillance footage. :P
That giraffe porn was legal where it was filmed!
For anyone willing to share some technical info... Remember above the thing i told you, about random unknown webpages loading at my browser's bottom left? I was lucky enough for my browser to stuck because of plugin and wrote down one... (they flash by and vanish in split seconds)

The only thing i could find is this:

And once again, one of the webpages i clearly saw flashing through there, was of that specific university, from which the professor, the energy meter and my past enemies work in.

And something about GODADDY and USA that doesn't make any sense to me.

Shall i throw money to DLP software, just in case?
Post edited August 05, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7