Chapter #3 - The tournament
Check this or read below.
Jailed animals wake up after some nasty experiences, they are surrounded by a purple smoke. You aren't controlling all of your movements: you are some kind of Alienmals.
After a walk in a very long tunnel (chapter #2), animals arrive around a gigantic ring. You can see and hear lots of aliens cheering, and what seems to be, singing. Then, an announcer shouts: "WELCOME TO THE ROCK PAPER SCISSORS TOURNAMENT!".
*** Information ***
This chapter is a Random/Luck/Stats/Strategy minigame. Check the tournament board here *** The rules ***
- It is a tournament of Rock Paper Scissors. Win each of your battles to win the tournament and escape the spaceship
- A battle consists of three "Rock Paper Scissors" (R P S) games between two creatures
- R beats S, S beats P, P beats R
- Alienmals and animals need to choose FOUR combinaisons of Rock Paper Scissors for the games
- First combinaison will be used for the first two battles
- Second combinaison will be used in case of a tie
- Third combinaison will be used during the semi-final battle
- Fourth combinaison will be used during the final battle
- A combinaison is composed by three actions (R P S) but you can't use more than 2 of each kind
- Two aliens take part in the tournaments, there are limited to Rock and Scissors
- About Alienmals, I will throw a 8-dice check before each battle. On "1", Aliens will take control of your body and make the combinaison choice for that battle
*** Additional info ***
- Example of combinaison:
the following is valid R R P
the following is valid S R P
the following is NOT valid R R R
*** What you need to do ***
- Send me ON THE GOG CHAT ONLY your four combinaisons