23 games so far.
else Heart.Break()
Masterplan, The
Victor Vran
Chaos Reborn
Big Pharma
Sorcerer King
Satellite Reign
Shadowrun Hong Kong -- 10th purchase, got the same game as a gift
Fran Bow
Chroma Squad
Hand of Fate
Star Ruler 2
Sublevel Zero
Escapists: The Walking Dead, The
Fallen Enchantress -- 19th purchase (it unbundles in the library but doesn't count as two games), got Hard West as a gift
Legend of Kay: Anniversary
Grandia II Anniversary Edition
The Swindle
Tales from the Borderlands
I think I have everything I want from this batch. Darkest Dungeon is only 20% off (and I still haven't played the new ToME expansion;
edit: and it also suffers from the Deluxe Edition problem, so it only makes sense to buy the deluxe version for me -- same issue as Hard West),
Kerbal I just plain can't run, and SOMA / Turok / Rebel Galaxy I'm not interested in.
Post edited March 21, 2016 by Starmaker