anothername: I'll preorder... on gog :P
They upped a 32bit TES to a true & real full blown non-half assed 64bit? oO
I'm truly impressed.
Still won't buy it as long as its online drmd.
Johnathanamz: I don't know if you already purchased The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim back in 2011, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn or The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition, but PC gamers who have them all get The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition for free.
So you don't have to purchase it at all you get it for free no matter what.
Nope, no Skyrim; not even a copyright infringed one. Won't touch a singplayer game with online DRM out of principle as main and everything the internet have ever rumored as negative as secondary reason. Still waiting for a gog release.
One of the positive side effects of a full time job; can affort being cocky about all the latest and greatest if they have sucky additions like being steam exclusives. :P