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I'm looking for something like Northmark: Hour of the Wolf.

The problem with that game is that it was too short and too easy. Are there any good similar ones?

It needs to have single player campaign. I don't mind if it's multi-player focused, as long as the single player campaign is good (for example, not just battles against bots). Also, the single player shouldn't have micro-transactions where you have to pay for better cards separately.

I got Ironclad Tactics on GOG and loved it. But I'm looking for something with more traditional card battles, instead of the real time tactical battles that it had.

Preferably, GOG but wouldn't mind other stores.

ZFR: Preferably, GOG but wouldn't mind other stores.
I have a few recommendations. Perhaps they might suit you?

Fate Hunters
Planet Stronghold: Colonial Defense
The above is Sci-fiction and not on GOG at present, but on Steam.

Hand of Fate 2
Probably a little less what you are looking, but there is deck dealing in there.
Post edited May 29, 2020 by Nicole28
Not sure, what you mean with "not just battles against bots". Single player is always against some AI? My 2 cents:

Nowhere Prophet:
Slay the Spire:

Not for everyone (and not sure, if they fit your description), but I like them:
Card City Nights:
Guild of Dungeoneering:; Deluxe Edition:

This one has fixed cards for each character, you can choose, but your options are (very?) limited. And it involves dice.
Children of Zodiarcs:

I believe (as far as I remember; it has been awhile since I played it) the options of cards in this one are also somewhat limited.
Steamworld Quest:

These ones aren't excactly card games:
Hand of Fate 2 (see above post) lets you choose cards for items and locations and stuff, but the battles are real-time hack and slay (I believe it's called)
Book of demons is also hack and slay battles, but with cards as skills and stuff
Forced Showdown: Also hack and slay battles, but you can unlock cards and build your deck

I haven't played that one (yet):
Etherlords II:
Post edited May 29, 2020 by FlockeSchnee
Thanks, for the recommendations so far.

Why are a few of them classified as... roguelike? What does that mean exactly? I think I know what roguelike is, but how does it fit a card game?
FlockeSchnee: Not sure, what you mean with "not just battles against bots". Single player is always against some AI? M
I meant it has a "campaign" that has an ending. Not just endless battles.

Quake 2, not Quake 3. Unreal, not Unreal Tournament.
Post edited May 29, 2020 by ZFR
Thronebreaker? Also Griftlands looks interesting.
ZFR: Thanks, for the recommendations so far.

Why are a few of them classified as... roguelike? What does that mean exactly? I think I know what roguelike is, but how does it fit a card game?
You're welcome.
If you die, you start from the beginning. In the case of Slay the Spire, Fate Hunters and Nowhere Prophet, that means you re-start with only the base starting cards and have to collect/discard/lose cards/build your deck anew with what you find along the way.
In Fate Hunters, you can unlock a few starter cards for each class so you can customise the starting deck a little and it lets you leave (only after the boss fight of the level, not in between somewhere) so the gold you collected and need for those unlocks doesn't get lost, which it will when you die.
And in Nowhere Prophet you can unlock different "caravans" (the people fighting for you; they can get killed/destroyed) and "classes" (what abilities/tools you have) (= your two separate starting hands), but those are fix.
Oh: And in Guild of Dungeoneering your dungeoneer has base cards s/he starts every dungeon with and can equip new stuff they find in it, but it resets after the dungeon is done. And if s/he dies they get a grave in the graveyard and you need to hire a new one.
ZFR: I meant it has a "campaign" that has an ending. Not just endless battles.
Quake 2, not Quake 3. Unreal, not Unreal Tournament.
Never played those games, but the games I mentioned (and Fate Hunters -mentioned by Nicole28-) come to an end (Hand of Fate 2 has an endless mode, but you don't have to play that, obviously).
If you want a story to follow, Fate Hunters, Guild of Dungeoneering, Forced Showdown and maybe Book of Demons (? not entirely sure, I was too bad at it so I gave up shortly after starting) don't have one. Slay the Spire hints at things, but there isn't really one. The others have one to varying degrees.
Post edited May 29, 2020 by FlockeSchnee
Thanks again.
I loved Slay the Spire. There's some luck involved (which cards and loot you get), but not too much and all in all you can plan and build your deck very well. The game never felt unfair to me.

Fate Hunters is ok, but there's more luck involved and somehow I always thought of it as Slay the Spire's poor little cousin.

Guild of Dungeoneering is different. You use your cards to create the dungeon and also to decide which monsters should be inside. Then you use other cards to battle them. Game is quite humorous and doesn't take itself too serious. And the soundtrack is pure gold and well worth the the price of the game alone.
I'd say the Culdcept series is the best option, but that's on console/handhelds so it might not be available for you.

I've been playing Dream Quest recently. I like how there's a board where you can pick where you want to go or backtrack freely, unlike the node map in say Slay the Spire. Though, the difficulty spikes kinda severely (haven't made it past the second stage yet), and you would have to grind out a lot of unlocks. (there's also the hilarious ms paint stick figure aesthetic, which isn't a hyperbole like when people act like any pixel art game looks like an atari 2600 game)
mrcrispy83: I'd say the Culdcept series is the best option, but that's on console/handhelds so it might not be available for you.
Seconded. I only played the (somewhat poorly translated) PS2 port of the second game (called simply Culdcept for that version), but it's easily among my favorite games for that system (the dumb, rote anime/JRPG-trope story notwithstanding), and would probably be in the running for a personal "top 10" list, were I the sort of person to enjoy ranking highly subjective personal favorites like that.
Bump. Anyone else?
low rated
collectibe card game for single player?:O that is absurd
Not sure it may interest you, but my two favorite card games:

-Through the ages (more of a civ-like board game)

-Cultist Simulator (fantastic and weird both at the same time and also very unique game)


PS. I don't even like card games, but this two are hell lots of fun to play!
Post edited May 31, 2020 by falloutttt
low rated
Orkhepaj: collectibe card game for single player?:O that is absurd
Concur. CCGs are there to be experienced by groups, traded, versus matches etc. So gwent is a good example, hearthstone etc. Personally I like collecting them, I have an extensive Warcraft tcg collection. But I really prefer the lcg ones, lord of the rings for example. I know there is a digital version on steam, not tried it myself.
One card game I have spent more hours on, single and with partner is ascension. I have it on iPad and I have the physical first pack. Cracking good fun, easy to play several decks on a journey. Have yet to find any card games other than that which really interest me that much, and really don’t get the player versus player ones.
Edit, by player versus player, I mean set battles, like hearthstone or gwent, it’s like a marginally more advanced top trumps.
Post edited May 31, 2020 by nightcraw1er.488