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When 50 copes show up during a GOG sale, an hour later there are 49 still left.

Most of you will know what I'm talking about. :P
tinyE: When 50 copes show up during a GOG sale, an hour later there are 49 still left.

Most of you will know what I'm talking about. :P
Yet somehow the reviews for it are still just "mediocre". Incredible. A game that nobody wants is no worse than mediocre! :)
tinyE: When 50 copes show up during a GOG sale, an hour later there are 49 still left.

Most of you will know what I'm talking about. :P
clarry: Yet somehow the reviews for it are still just "mediocre". Incredible. A game that nobody wants is no worse than mediocre! :)
I finally tried it, and that is exactly what it is.
It's not awful, it's just kind of "meh".
"Live Service" "Roadmap" "Recurrent User Spending" "User Engagement of engaging the engagement of the player. Engage"
Publisher: EA, Ubisoft, Activision/Blizzard, Bethesda Game Studios

"This game is the best thing ever and will totally wash your dishes and your car, and walk your dog. It also cures cancer in 3 out of 5 cases if you complete it on master ultra super difficulty and significantly reduces world hunger if you preorder today."

"Preorder for this exclusive bonus."

"Partnered with Epic Games Store for 12 month exclusivity to give the player experience"
There are a couple things that I see like an inevitable wreck when I hear developers' statements (actually referring to reboots/remakes) like:

- We felt that the game's mechanics were overdeveloped so the new ones are more streamlined.

- We are reimagining this great classic game in a modern way.
RedRagan: There are times when you read/watch about a new video games coming out and you can see the signs that the game will be horrible outright. After years of disappointments I can summarize some of the signs:


The developers said it's a mash/mixed/combination of (insert a popular game here) and (insert a popular game here) also add more popular game titles to bait more suckers in.


No gameplay video just flashy prerendered movie trailer (Looking at you Battlefield)


Listless member of developer team looks like he's trying to run away immediately after the interview. This guy either quit soon after or fired after the game was done.


The indie developer acting like he's God given gift for gamers (Yes, I'm talking about Phil Fish. Eff that guy)


The dynamic duo: The big mouth crusader Peter Molyneux and and the corrupt wonder Randy Pitchford


A kickstarter game with no trailer just a jackass talking about idea for a game while an invisible guy playing ukulele in the background with the same tune over and over again.

Yeah those are my red flags. What's yours?
The game being published by EA, Activision, 2K, Bethesda and Ubisoft.
Post edited June 28, 2019 by UnrealDelusion
Games that finally gets out of development hell and/or has regularly postponed release dates tend to be a pretty telling sign of a horrible game.
Post edited June 28, 2019 by user deleted
My spidey signals are tingling only when the devs just do what they want, including and changing promises. 99% of games I've played are actually fine if you don't compare them with other games like most people do. I think its partially the reason why there is so few games based on original ideas as developers want to "play it safe", so to speak. Which also means excluding ideas the audience has. Many faceless developer teams can be prone of this so there definatly is a tendency on making a less quality game.

However, you can clearly see that if devs actually listen to the audience and try to "do better" thanks to valid and constructive criticism you can also observe a increase in quality of many games after further updates. Terraria and No Man Sky are huge examples for this but The Witcher 2 and 3 partially also did this. If you include your audience as "devs" so to speak in some way the general quality of a game almost always rises in a positive way.

DadJoke007: Games that finally gets out of development hell and/or has regularly postponed release dates tend to be a pretty telling sign of a horrible game.
People forget that The Witcher 3 has been postponned several times. Tons of peple accused CDPR for letting games slip into dev hell ever so often.

Source 1:
Source 2:

Not only that but people flipped their fucking shit because of the supposed graphical downgrade a week before the game came out? I assume a lot of people still do since it was quite the outrage. Even though I'm a CDP fan and I'm gonna purchase CDPRs next game I do believe that fair is fair.

I don't want to argue since I think your way is just as valid as mine but I just wanted to tell you the flaw I've noticed.
RedRagan: FOUR

The indie developer acting like he's God given gift for gamers (Yes, I'm talking about Phil Fish. Eff that guy)
As much as I mostly agree with you... Fez turned out alright.

Yes Phil Fish is a pretentious asshole, eff that guy. But at least that did not leak into turning Fez a horrible game.

I'd say Grimoire's developer is a better choice to illustrate your point.
Post edited June 28, 2019 by joppo
Dray2k: People forget that The Witcher 3 has been postponned several times. Tons of peple accused CDPR for letting games slip into dev hell ever so often.

I don't want to argue since I think your way is just as valid as mine but I just wanted to tell you the flaw I've noticed.
What flaw? I formulated it "tend to" for a reason, I am well aware of the exceptions.
Dray2k: People forget that The Witcher 3 has been postponned several times. Tons of peple accused CDPR for letting games slip into dev hell ever so often.

I don't want to argue since I think your way is just as valid as mine but I just wanted to tell you the flaw I've noticed.
DadJoke007: What flaw? I formulated it "tend to" for a reason, I am well aware of the exceptions.
Oh alright, I see. I still find The Witcher (3s) development history interesting though, even after those years.
Post edited June 28, 2019 by Dray2k
fr33kSh0w2012: TWELVE: any game with the words Wasteland in them or bandied around within a desert bomb dropped setting
P8j6: Ouch... whats wrong with Wasteland? Wasteland and Atom RPG are good games. Probably best in genre since Fallout 2.
No I'm talking about RAGE and frigging fallout 3
P8j6: Ouch... whats wrong with Wasteland? Wasteland and Atom RPG are good games. Probably best in genre since Fallout 2.
fr33kSh0w2012: No I'm talking about RAGE and frigging fallout 3
If you think RAGE is bad take a look at RAGE 2 that game makes the first one a masterpiece in comparisson.
low rated
Aww... Guess who's back and loves pissing off the already pissed off, Hey TinyE Google phoned you for a New job manning youtube think you are up for it considering you believe everything the TV spits out at you?
fr33kSh0w2012: No I'm talking about RAGE and frigging fallout 3
UnrealDelusion: If you think RAGE is bad take a look at RAGE 2 that game makes the first one a masterpiece in comparisson.
They are both bad Rage 2 is just Rage psychedelic edition, with magic exploding booby and testicle looking things.
Post edited June 28, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: Aww... Guess who's back and loves pissing off the already pissed off, Hey TinyE Google phoned you for a New job manning youtube think you are up for it considering you believe everything the TV spits out at you?
EVERYONE raise their hands who thinks making fun of Jack Keane constitutes me trying to piss people off. XD

If that is the case, then 99% of this forum is GUILTY!!! :P