Zoltan999: Cool, too bad your in Greece, we could meet up for a ride and beer sometime this Summer
Btw...did you ever get the chance see Motorhead live? Saw them them once here in N.Y., IIRC, Twisted Sister opened for them, and Lemmy and crew were ass kickin
sunshinecorp: Seen them twice in Greece (Lycabettus) and once in Hammersmith. Lemmy is GOD.
That's great. I can't remember the exact date, but it was sometime in the early 80's I saw them. But, I do remember I was a little disappointed that when I was getting the tickets that Fast Eddie was no longer with the band, and they had picked up Brian Robertson from Thin Lizzy fame.... I was wondering if he would really mix well with the band. I have to say, they sounded awesome, and was pleasantly pleased with the performance. Of course, Lemmy *was* Motorhead, so as long as he was on vox and pounding the bass, it's kinda hard to imagine not enjoying them, regardless of the other players along for the ride