drealmer7: I'd rather Joss Whedon not do any TV/movies ever again and got a job outside of the industry; maybe hemming dresses.
mistermumbles: That may be a bit harsh, but, yeah, I never quite got the love he gets from nerds the world over. At best he's decent at times and no more.
I have mixed feelings on his stuff. I loved Buffy and Angel, but I couldn't get into Firefly when it first aired. I did love Dollhouse, but then Agents of Shield was garbage for me at first. Everyone was boring and flat. Story wise he runs things a bit shallow on events, and I don't think he really cares about what happens so much as how it affects the characters. When stuff works for him it's more about developing the characters, which takes time. I ended up enjoying Agents of Shield season 2 much more than the first. I'm not sure what's going on now, so I will reserve further judgment until the next Netflix cycle.
He is clever enough in his way. What I really liked about Buffy and Angel was that it wasn't comedy, or horror; it was both. Most stuff is one or the other. Everything is a joke, or everything is super serious. Life isn't like that, and Buffy wasn't like that. It represented range of emotion really well. It was funny at times, but when things sucked, it was awful. And it was awful partly because there was a scale to measure things by. Most things aren't like that, and it can be very hard to know how "bad" things are when everything is "bad" all of the time.
Another thing I will give the man props on is, he is willing to kill. Most people in the "geek" crowd toss death around like it's something they picked up on a run to the dollar store. They act like they want it to mean something, but most writers won't actually kill anything. In the end it's meaningless. Death isn't real in geek culture. It's a blow horn or whoopie cushion used to freak you out for just moment (if it's lucky). Joss never got the memo on that. I used to think Jenny Calendar was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen. It sucked what he did to her, but it was amazing TV.