te_lanus: I think DRM doesn't help sales, in actual fact I think a lot of DRM actually harm sales. If you take the recent Simcity as a example, the DRM (always online) stopped a lot of potential customers from buying it, and a lot pirated it after the pirates defeated EA's DRM.
Well I know for a fact that it costs them at least some sales, as I refuse to buy anything that uses Denuvo/Origin/UPlay. I wouldn't even accept them if they were free - I'd rather buy DRM-free copies. I'll tolerate Steam, but only at a deep discount (and I never gift Steam games).
From what we've seen so far the best case seems to be that sales with Denuvo remain about the same as without, which still leaves them worse off because they then also have the added cost of licensing & royalties for using Denuvo.
te_lanus: I know I have a few Store bought DVD games that I've yet to open and install from my legal copy, as most of the times the pirate edition without the DRM works better that the one with DRM, and I believe we will see it applied to The Big D when it finally gets cracked
I'm certain this will be the case, most likely to a comparable extent as for SecuROM as it's made by the same people and works in a similar manner.