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Licurg: Everything should have rape in it. I wish my pizza did...
CharlesGrey: Hint: Actually, it does. Be glad you don't know what the pizza baker did with those innocent, virgin wads of dough. And let's not even talk about the "special sauce".
Take your mind out of the gutter, I meant something classy, like... A mural of the finest meats and cheeses, depicting Hillary Clinton getting gang-raped by Ewoks, or something to that effect .
Rixasha: Horror should be free of rape. And killing. And monsters and evil. And disease both mental or physical. And the apocalypse.
Did I forget any nasty stuff? If not, have fun being scared!
Like I said, not all nasty stuff is scary and not all scary stuff is nasty. When was the last time you saw a horror film about Youtube comments? Now there's some nasty suff!
Johnmourby: Rape isn't scary, or creepy, or spooky it's just really horrible.
ET3D: Murder isn't scary, or creepy, or spooky it's just really horrible. I'm sure most people would agree that murdering someone is worse than raping him. Yet you seem to accept murder as a normal part of horror. Why is that?
Actually there is a pretty big debate over whether murder or rape is worse, it's not a closed question. But pushing that aside I'd say most horror fans wouldn't say murder is by itself scary. It's a mixture of the basic human fear of death and the feeling of vulnerability that a killer is out there. A good horror story can be always teasing death but have no murder at all.
The problem with rape scenes (other than the moral ones) is that rather than building an atmosphere of fear in suspense they just drag on and on till you wish you'd decided to do something more fun today, like your taxes.
Post edited May 10, 2015 by Johnmourby
CharlesGrey: Hint: Actually, it does. Be glad you don't know what the pizza baker did with those innocent, virgin wads of dough. And let's not even talk about the "special sauce".
Licurg: Take your mind out of the gutter, I meant something classy, like... A mural of the finest meats and cheeses, depicting Hillary Clinton getting gang-raped by Ewoks, or something to that effect .
"They'll say: 'You can't joke about rape! Rape is not funny!' I say, fuck you! I think it's hilarious, how do you like that? I can prove to you that rape is funny. Picture Porky Pig... raping Elmer Fudd! Well, why do you think they call him 'Porky'?"
--George Carlin
Psyringe: I firmly believe that no subject should be "banned" from exploring it in art (books, music, games, etc.). Art needs to be free, needs to be able to break taboos, to provide a new perspective, to change our minds.

We may disagree with the way how one specific work depicts a given subject, especially if the subject is a very real issue that often leaves deep wounds, such as rape. But it's also possible to use it in a way that broadens our perspective, that lets us understand things a bit better. And you can't have the latter without also allowing the crap.

Horror movies are certainly a medium where rape is often just used as an embellishment or as a "gore" feature. But there are also works like "Deadgirl" which positively surprised me in the way how they handled the subject.

If you don't like horror movies that include rape scenes, that's absolutely fine. Don't watch them, or - if you do watch them - voice your discontent. But I'd stay away from sweeping statements like "horror shouldn't contain subject X", or calls for censorship (be it authoritative or self-inflicted).

If there's a movie that glorifies rape, or that revels in its depiction, then I will probably condemn this movie with very strong words. What I won't do, though, is calling for it to be banned, or claiming that the subject shouldn't be used at all. We need our minds to be free. Free minds obviously produce a lot of crap, but then we call them out on that.
I never called for censorship. Saying horror shouldn't contain rape is no-more censorship than saying FPS games shouldn't have platforming. That's not calling for governments to ban Mirrors Edge. It's saying, I don't like this and I think we would be better of without it.
CharlesGrey: Hint: Actually, it does. Be glad you don't know what the pizza baker did with those innocent, virgin wads of dough. And let's not even talk about the "special sauce".
Licurg: Take your mind out of the gutter, I meant something classy, like... A mural of the finest meats and cheeses, depicting Hillary Clinton getting gang-raped by Ewoks, or something to that effect .
With special sauce?
Licurg: Take your mind out of the gutter, I meant something classy, like... A mural of the finest meats and cheeses, depicting Hillary Clinton getting gang-raped by Ewoks, or something to that effect .
CharlesGrey: With special sauce?
Obviously ...
Elmofongo: Platoon had a hortifying scene of a soldier raping a ten year old vietnamese girl off camara.

And Straw Dogs and Man Bites Dog.
I can't speak for Man Bites Dog (never saw it) but Platoon and Straw Dogs aren't horror movies. They're also not fun movies. Platoon is trying to be a serious war drama and Straw Dogs.... I'm not sure how to feel or what to think about Straw Dogs. But Platoon isn't trying to be scary or fun so I can't complain that the tone is being ruined. Platton's okay.
Elmofongo: Platoon had a hortifying scene of a soldier raping a ten year old vietnamese girl off camara.

And Straw Dogs and Man Bites Dog.
Johnmourby: I can't speak for Man Bites Dog (never saw it) but Platoon and Straw Dogs aren't horror movies. They're also not fun movies. Platoon is trying to be a serious war drama and Straw Dogs.... I'm not sure how to feel or what to think about Straw Dogs. But Platoon isn't trying to be scary or fun so I can't complain that the tone is being ruined. Platton's okay.
It is horror. The horrors of War. The whole village scene was scary and uncomfertable.

Barnes completely went AWOL and succumb to madness.
Johnmourby: ... It's a mixture of the basic human fear of death and the feeling of vulnerability that a killer is out there. ...
The problem with rape scenes (other than the moral ones) is that rather than building an atmosphere of fear in suspense they just drag on and on till you wish you'd decided to do something more fun today, like your taxes.
Then the problem likely is that either rapes are used the wrong way, or they are so much less frightening than death that they can't be used for scares (i.e., to give a feeling of vulnerability, etc.).
Johnmourby: I can't speak for Man Bites Dog (never saw it) but Platoon and Straw Dogs aren't horror movies. They're also not fun movies. Platoon is trying to be a serious war drama and Straw Dogs.... I'm not sure how to feel or what to think about Straw Dogs. But Platoon isn't trying to be scary or fun so I can't complain that the tone is being ruined. Platton's okay.
Elmofongo: It is horror. The horrors of War. The whole village scene was scary and uncomfertable.

Barnes completely went AWOL and succumb to madness.
While I would agree with you, I think you have the wrong term there.

AWOL = "absent without official leave".

He went nuts, he didn't desert.
Elmofongo: It is horror. The horrors of War. The whole village scene was scary and uncomfertable.

Barnes completely went AWOL and succumb to madness.
tinyE: While I would agree with you, I think you have the wrong term there.

AWOL = "absent without official leave".

He went nuts, he didn't desert.

(If you did not get the joke the actor William Dafoe who played Elias also played as Jesus in Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ.)
Johnmourby: I can't speak for Man Bites Dog (never saw it) but Platoon and Straw Dogs aren't horror movies. They're also not fun movies. Platoon is trying to be a serious war drama and Straw Dogs.... I'm not sure how to feel or what to think about Straw Dogs. But Platoon isn't trying to be scary or fun so I can't complain that the tone is being ruined. Platton's okay.
Elmofongo: It is horror. The horrors of War. The whole village scene was scary and uncomfertable.

Barnes completely went AWOL and succumb to madness.
Oh there's no doubt Platoon is a horrifying film. But's not a horror film, there's a difference. If there wasn't then Shoah would always turn up at number 1 on "Greatest horror films ever!" lists. Honestly the name "Horror" is a little misleading. Scary movies was a good name until the scary movies was a good description till the Scary Movie films were made. I like how internet ghost stories are called CreepyPastas. Creepy is a good adjective here.
tinyE: While I would agree with you, I think you have the wrong term there.

AWOL = "absent without official leave".

He went nuts, he didn't desert.
Elmofongo: HE KILLED JESUS ;)

(If you did not get the joke the actor William Dafoe who played Elias also played as Jesus in Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ.)
Yes I saw it and yes I get the joke, but even killing Jesus doesn't make you AWOL. XD
Elmofongo: It is horror. The horrors of War. The whole village scene was scary and uncomfertable.

Barnes completely went AWOL and succumb to madness.
Johnmourby: Oh there's no doubt Platoon is a horrifying film. But's not a horror film, there's a difference. If there wasn't then Shoah would always turn up at number 1 on "Greatest horror films ever!" lists. Honestly the name "Horror" is a little misleading. Scary movies was a good name until the scary movies was a good description till the Scary Movie films were made. I like how internet ghost stories are called CreepyPastas. Creepy is a good adjective here.
My only favorite creepypasta is NES Godzilla Creepypasta (youtube version)
Bigger_C: snip
Forgive me if I skip talking about the FEAR games as I haven't played them. As for the Alien films, I saw them as a kid so the rape subtext flew over my head. But that's the thing. It's a subtext. The horrifying part isn't "Lets stop the narrative for 5 minutes for shock value" but the fact that when the thing hatches it's going to kill you. While you can say what is literally happening is rape it's only a plot point in the first film and it's so unreal it doesn't register as rape. The main point of Alien is that there is a giant monster out there that's going to eat you. Fun stuff.
Johnmourby: Oh there's no doubt Platoon is a horrifying film. But's not a horror film, there's a difference. If there wasn't then Shoah would always turn up at number 1 on "Greatest horror films ever!" lists. Honestly the name "Horror" is a little misleading. Scary movies was a good name until the scary movies was a good description till the Scary Movie films were made. I like how internet ghost stories are called CreepyPastas. Creepy is a good adjective here.
Elmofongo: My only favorite creepypasta is NES Godzilla Creepypasta (youtube version)
Wadda'ya know! that's my favourite Creepypasta. Cyber-high-five!
tinyE: I'm going to get out of this thread but before I do, anyone notice that a certain someone who keeps pleading for GOG to pick up a kickstarter about shooting homosexuals in turn said NO, that horror stories shouldn't have rape in them.

Boggles the mind. :P
Are you talking about me :/ Unless I have a Tyler Durham that I don't know about in my brain I'm sure I've asked for any games involving shooting homosexuals.
Post edited May 10, 2015 by Johnmourby