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Seems like this game has been shadow dropped by GOG with nary an announcement. I just found out via seeing a header image on the front page, mistakenly linked to the Koch Media sale. GOG, get your shit together.

Finally, we too are allowed to live the adventures of Chad Thundercock. ;) Stay classy, Japan.
Post edited March 11, 2022 by Mr.Mumbles
Thought I just missed a news annouincement in this case but if it indeed was I know afew other cases Gog has done it too aswell
low rated
Who cares, stupid game.
Waifu 4 Dead?
Swissy88: Who cares, stupid game.
"No fun for you!" or "I don't like it so nobody else should like it!"
BanditKeith2: Thought I just missed a news annouincement in this case but if it indeed was I know afew other cases Gog has done it too aswell
I only remember one other game that happened to. It tends to be DLC that doesn't get any announcements.
Ruvika: Waifu 4 Dead?
Pretty much.
Post edited March 11, 2022 by Mr.Mumbles
Here is the correct link:
I misread it as Seed of the Deed.
The publishers posted the link to the R-18 patch in the game forum

(They seem somewhat unfamiliar with GOG's forums, but who could blame them for that?)
Well, I've seen some screenshots of the first game. Gives new meaning to the phrase "eaten by zombies". So if the girls don't saved in time do they get uh... 'eaten' in this one too?
Game is getting good reviews though.

The gameplay is so over the top.
Post edited March 12, 2022 by sasuke12
At first I thought you mean by "shadow dropped" silently removed from catalogue and was confused. Game looks absolutely incredible though, it's amazing what kind of games we can play now.
Seeing the trailer and images, i don't really see the point.

Shooting mobs of zombies is overdone already. Adding in 'toys' that do damage is silly. And without seeing a full 'bad ending' i'd wonder how such a scene finishes, either sexually or non...

I'd say it would be trying to enter Erotic Horror, but it doesn't fit the medium very well, or that's what it's hinting at. There's one thing having a squad of sexy girls to look at while taking out monsters and having fun unique scenes. But dead/undead is something i don't care for to this degree.

Then again other games have gone very gorey routes. MK-X where hits will show xray vision of breaking bones, Sniper games where people take the challenge to shoot 'hitler's balls' or something to the degree.

Meh. Unless it's your thing i'd avoid it.
low rated
A FPS where anime girls get raped by zombies, stay classy GOG
Post edited March 12, 2022 by Crosmando
I'm I the only one bothered by the contrast of the "realistic" (well, as much as you cna get, I guess) zombies and environment with "moe waifus"?
It's a bit like... like... the Roger Rabbit of awful taste? :P
I have trouble understanding GOG curation... Why was the publisher not allowed to publish the R18 patch on the store? Either you accept adult content (and let the consumers decide for themselves if they want to buy such content) or you don't, but this double standard is puzzling me.