RawSteelUT: So, does anyone have the game?
Every time one of these H-games comes out, we get a lot of debate over the value of H-games, but very little talk about the, you know,
game part of the game.
Is the shooting any fun? How's the movement work? Are the weapons balanced? Basically, how's it play as an FPS?
It's fun. You sometimes get mowed over by hordes of zombies, there's a four legged monster and a tremor monster as well. There's an interaction section where you can walk around and explore the rooms in the base, talk to people etc. They all look like normal human beings, all of the heroines and your main character look like they came from anime, so it's like they came from Mars or something. Weird.
I haven't had much issue with the controls, most enemies go down fairly quickly. I guess it plays like Left 4 Dead but I have never played those titles. You can carry up to three guns and it has a more arcade feel than something more serious. It didn't feel clunky, surprisingly more polished than I expected. You can upgrade your guns, your physical and mental abilities as well. You have to heal your team mates with a simple rhythm game.
Ultimately, it was fun. I thought it was a blast. I've never played this kind of game before and I like it. The R18 content is also toggleable on the main menu. You can turn it on or off at will. There was no interaction or romance options with the heroines in the original too, so that's a plus here.