supplementscene: The Liberal objective is to stop Hitler being elected. ZFR choosing Joe, is not doing that. Hitler is almost certainly in the 4 players who've been in government. Therefore you supporting this government means you want Hitler to be elected.
Joe should prefer Rager over ZFR when he knows Rager is Liberal
Newsflash: if Joe is liberal, he isn't Hitler! That is so painfully obvious that even you should understand it. So why should Liberal!Joe risk two F policies just to give the presidency to GR? And who should GR's chancellor be? The Hitler-problem will remain. Your 'let's stall and risk two F policies' does NOTHING to prevent a Hitler-Chancellorship. The only ones befitting from it would be the fascists.
So, if Joe is liberal, his main goal should be avoiding a Hitler chancellor. That means, he should accept the Chancellorship, because then he will know 100% sure, that the chancellor won't be Hitler. So your 'advice' to an assumed Liberal!Joe makes absolutely no sense for a liberal player.
But your idiotic 'advice' aside, of course Joe could be fascist. So maybe we should skip him. But not to GR, because if Joe is fascist, GR is probably too (unless Fascist!Joe wanted to buddy up to him). So top decking would still not make sense. But it would be my turn next and actually I would like that, if we can agree on a chancellor.
As for killing you, I think you have given yourself away enough that I can be fairly sure that you are fascist and it was also only for the case that there is no conflict.