Posted January 27, 2019

Like Liftin' unfortunately said here, I didn't have a choice either as I had drawn three F policies - just as some of you predicted.
As for who I would like to investigate, I'd like to go for the next one who wasn't in this current government. Right after me is Lift who was in this current government, and after that is supplementscene. Not to mention I have barely seen anyone vouching for him, nor do I know of any previous government he was involved in. By knowing where he stands, we can confirm if he is a liberal and therefore not Hitler, or if he is scum.
This is not my final decision yet. I'd like to hear what others have to say about this.
However I'm a believer, in testing one of the players from the first 2-3 governments, no one else seems on board with this though.
Most people seem to be going with Blontunga's claim. However if he and you are fascist or Hitler that would present a problem.
Testing Lift makes some sense as he is next.