supplementscene: So I make it 80% chance Hitler will have been in government by now but someone can check my maths.
I wanted to reply last night but it didn't post. Now the probability of a Fascist being in the first 2 governments and thus nominate Hitler into power is 3/10+3/10= 6/10 or 60% chance. There is also a 1/10+1/10 chance that Hitler has been president so a 20% chance.
So we have an 60%+20%=80% chance that Hitler has been in government at this stage. Providing the government passes ofcourse.
A) You're assuming a scum president would always select Hitler as their chancellor. Would they? I don't think so. Why risk FFF and casting bad light on themselves and Hitler, practically screwing up their game..
You're also assuming a liberal won't accidentally select Hitler.
B) Math is wrong. By your math there is a 110% chance of selecting Hitler after the first 3 governments.
Assuming a scum president would always select Hitler as their chancellor, the probability of Hitler being in government is As a chancellor, selectted by a Fascist president: (1 - (7/10)*(7/10))
As a president: 2/10
Total: (1 - (7/10)*(7/10)) + 2/10 = 71%
C) Given the assumptions this is probably very far from the truth.
@Lift, you've played a lot of Secret Hitler in RL, right? Out of curiosity, can you comment on how many games had Hitler in the first 2 governments? Ballpark figure.
@All, incidentally, how much experience you have with Secret Hitler.
For those reasons it would of been a good pick to play me alongside Trent. Trent has scum read me and I've suspected him. We both are too aggressive to be Hitler. Eliminating or giving credence to Trent makes good sense from my perspective.
It doesn't follow. In your calculations you assumed everyone has an equal chance of being Hitler (hence 20% of him being a president). If then you claim that some players are less/more likely to be Hitler (due to being too aggressive (?)), then obviously the calculations are wrong.
Not commenting about you/Trent being likely or less likely to be Hitler, but you can't reach your conclusion from your premises.
supplementscene: Hmmm 'you chose 10th' did you, unfortunate phrasing or a Fraudian slip ZFR?
That was another negative of your random vote though. We have no test of upcoming presidents.
Joe was #10. I chose him as my chancellor (based