So, basically the backstory is that all the fascists were people who were either from "the old days" and felt unloved or otherwise had a bone to pick with modern stuff driving them out of business (hence why Trent was from vaudeville, for example). Here was the intro text for each person:
Zenefredi F. Rapoposculous, the Great No real references here, he was basically just a generic stage magician with a little bit of Wizard of Oz thrown in at some points. You're the Great Zenefredi F. Rapoposculous. There was once a day when you were the most brilliant stage magician there was, but alas, that time is no more. Performers have gone the way of camera tricks and Vegas acts, and you just couldn't keep up with the times. However, having pulled a trick in your day, you can't help but sense that something is amiss in the group. Even if you never make it back to stardom, you have a duty to your fellow man first and foremost. Time to pull off one final trick!
Tap-Happy Trent I included a bunch of vaudeville references here, especially with stuff like ZFR getting the "vaudeville hook" and Trent talking in old-fashioned slang and acting like he knows the business from years back. You're the amazing Tap-Happy Trent! You've got everything, baby! Style! Substance! Flash! The old razzle-dazzle!
...everything, that is, except a job. It turns out that nobody wants to see the old style stage shows anymore , it's all about the movies with the explosions and the graphic language. What happened to the old times when people could just have fun? You worked hard to get to this country, you put aside all your old culture to present some pretty packaged version of yourself, and this is what they do to you. You wear the smile out of spite, now. Out of bitter, mocking spite.
However, you're a shrewd one. You've been in this game way longer than the rest, even longer than Supple Scene - and he's exactly who you need right now. He was a little after your time, but was he ever a hit. That man's still got all the looks to make people fall for him, all he needs is a lucky break. You know this business like the back of your hand, and you know exactly how to convince people. The plan was clear from the beginning: wipe out the contracts for all these other jokers and get Supple Scene the shot of his life, skyrocketing the old style back in vogue and creating a new era where vaudeville is loved again. He's too stupid for you to help him directly, so you convinced the rock star and the agent to help you out; you know talent when you see it.
You gave them the instructions they need. All you need to do now is get Scene that big contract and the show will go on. Maybe you're screwing others in their chance at stardom, but hey, that's show biz!
Apollo "Prime Form" Jones SirPrimalform surprised me when he caught what I thought was an obscure reference to a song by the Bonzo Dog Band called "Mr. Apollo". Apollo Jones is basically a riff on that character. This is why SPF put his forum title to "Greatest Benefactor of Mankind". Tired! Worn-down! Weak! Do any of these words describe you? Of course not! You're the Prime Form, the man teaching wimps how to kick sand back in the bullies' faces for years! It's time to get these muscles back in order and teach the world how to shape up again! A few of the people here seem to be really slouching, and in a suspicious way...
Agent 16 (Codename: Carr) Much like the other fascists, the motivation for Carr here was the idea that he was getting pushed out by the changing standards of modern entertainment. Nobody ever knew it, but in truth, you were an actual secret agent. The whole Agent 16 thing was just a cover-up. After all, who would suspect that an actor in a spy movie would be an actual spy? You loved your work and did it well. And then the termination notice came in. Why were you being fired? Was it because you were doing your job wrong? Nope. It's because the movies went out of style. That's right, if there was no cover, you couldn't work anymore. Wondering why on earth the films were doing so poorly, you inquired and it turned out that a bunch of trash like "Me Blotunga, You Jane" and "Star Floors" were becoming all the rage. You lost your job because of this garbage?!
Fortunately, your years of espionage taught you one thing: how to infiltrate. After being contacted by that crazy vaudeville freak, you decided it was best to team up with him and the rock star in what sounded at first like a crazy plan to get Supple Scene back on the big screen. The more you thought about it, however, the more it made sense: if his cheesy old movies come back in vogue, people will be just DYING for another spy film. Not to mention he'd make a good co-star just from how handsome he is. People fall for that crap so easily.
This'll be just like the good old days. Get in, get friendly, screw everyone over while they're not looking, then accomplish the mission and get out. Better make them think you're just dopey and hyped up on fame rather than have them realize you're looking these people up and down and seeing who's most vulnerable...
Grimsby "The Pooka" Mustard I'm not sure why I wrote so much backstory for him. I was bored, I guess. "Grimbsy". That was the name your mother gave you. Named after the city which you were born in, the city which you've come to hate due to the association. What kind of cruel person names a kid that?! You were always made fun of in school, and your lanky appearance didn't help with your "creep" reputation. You tried nearly every hobby you could think of until you at last stumbled upon the one which turned out to be your strength: acting!
Graduating from the drama club to real acting classes, you eventually became a bona fide Shakespearean expert! You played everything from Hamlet to Othello in community theaters and were certain you'd be London's finest some day. Then the man offered you a contract...a contract that was worth a lot of money. What was the harm, you thought? You could just do a small bit on this podunk show to fund your real acting career. So you put on the contacts and the goth makeup and did the bit as "The Pooka", hosting old obscure late-night horror shows. And then you got famous. Famous beyond your wildest dreams. You weren't complaining about the money, but you silently loathed it. You fit the "Grimsby" stereotype perfectly, you could hear the kids making fun of you in your head. You were always meant for greater than such cheap entertainment! You were an actor!
So you tried your part as an actual movie villain. With all your training, you know you did brilliantly, but as it turns out, nobody cares about beautifully-enunciated lines and perfect, flowing movements. They just want shock value. They just want mindless entertainment, the Saturday-morning superhero, the chest-beating "Me Blotunga, You Jane" crap. You were laughed out of the box office and were too ashamed to do anything with yourself again. Desperate for money, you decided to put on the old "Pooka" act and hope this starmaker service could get you back to the old gig.
That, however, is when you met Agent 16 rushing out the door. He knew of you. He knew of your woes. In his sympathy, he told you of a plan...
The idea was brilliant - other true talented people who'd been underloved by the public like yourself, the multifaceted Tap-Happy Trent, the skilled Liftin' Rasil (who, as it turns out, has no band and makes his music all himself electronically - a genius!), and the clever Agent 16 all teamed up, determined to get more aggressive contracts signed. These were all people who were shoved aside by the public, unrecognized for their real brilliance in favor of the mindless entertainment these other fools provide - people like YOU who deserve what they worked so hard for!
Agent 16 has at last returned to duty, but he's used his earpiece to inform Trent and Rasil that you're in on the scheme. Sure, maybe these fascist-style contacts will screw over the others who seek stardom, but who cares about them? All they provide is cheap entertainment anyways. In fact, if you can land Supple Scene the big one, he's just handsome enough of a fella that he'd become the biggest star of all time. And if he DID become the biggest star of all time, surely he, as somebody who used to star in old movies that got pushed aside for the new cheap thrills, would be sympathetic to your cause...especially the cause of people who helped him land that contract....
But you'd best stay low for now. Play the part of the creep like they expect you to. Scene can be a big star, but he's not too bright, he'll blow the whole plan if you let him know what's going on. Just lay low and play your part, like a true actor does...
Part 1/2