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agentcarr16: takes sunglasses off and poses

An excellent question. The same might be asked of Apollo.
trentonlf: Why did you vote no?
I think that electing a government should be done carefully and with due thought. It's useful to see who votes for who in these early stages of provisional government. Besides, Rapoposculous hasn't provided sufficient funding for a national spy network.

I may or may not be a single issue voter.
blotunga: Scene I understand, however I don't understand our agent nor SirPrimalform. Are you guys fascists trying to signal Hitler who you are? Or maybe ar you all three fascists/Hitler and scene gave you the signal how to vote to show yourselves?
Right, if you are Liberal, that leaves 5 other Liberals, 3 Fascists and 1 Hitler. From any Liberal's perspective there is a 4/9 or 44.4% chance that there is either a Fascist or Hitler President. There is a 3/9 or 33% chance that there is a Fascist President. And therefore there is a 33% chance that Hitler is chancellor. Because Fascists will always nominate Hitler at the earliest opportunity. That is why using on the first pick is so suspect.

Based on this from the start there is a 55.6% chance ZFR is Liberal given there are 5 other Liberals, 3 Fascists and 1 Hitler. Assuming ZFR is both Liberal and he genuinely used that leaves 4 other Liberals, 3 fascists and Hitler. So there is a 50% chance Joe is either Fascist or Hitler and 50% chance he is Liberal. In this scenario there is 12.5% chance Hitler would be chosen at random.

So that means there is in total a 33%+12.5% = 42.5% chance that Joe is in fact Hitler. Assuming a fascist doesn't start the game with the the taregt of muddying a liberal instead, which seems the weaker strategy.

So with regard to Agent/APF I can't speak for them, either they have looked at the maths or ZFR is Liberal and they are voting against him because they are fascists

The Fascists don't need to signal to Hitler through votes or giving in game tells. Because Hitler will get an idea who the Fascists are when players are supporting his cause to be Chancellor or nominating him. Is there a strategic advantage for Hitler to even know who the Fascists are? I don't think there is. All Hitler needs to be concerned about is playing ultra liberal, be polite and not draw attention to himself. Then he can let the Fascists do the work of getting him into power after 3 Fascist cards are drawn. Hitler is probably a poster 'looking busy' while providing no critical analysis. He almost certainly will have voted 'Yes' when it was clear from opinions that the majority were going to vote Yes. The only player I'm marking 'not Hitler' so far is Trent as his play has been the most aggressive.

Signalling to 'Hitler' through bickering or voting against majority opinion would amount to the same as giving tells to Liberals from a Scum perspective. To an extent Scum benefit more from lurking and allowing town on town suspicion to divide their opponent. Ofcourse tarring a Liberal or 2 would also be a Fascist ploy to. But it could be more beneficial for a Fascist President to await an investigation in order to lie and to tar both a Liberal Chancellor and another Liberal in one foul swoop. If the Scum play looks Liberal enough they can probably get Hitler into power after 3 Fascist Cards are drawn.

As the game goes on and there are less Liberal cards in play the likelyhood of 3 Fascist cards becomes more likely so some rounds will draw 3 Fascist cards and we probably will have to discredit Liberals at this stage. This is when the probability maths becomes increasingly important.

blotunga: Scene I understand, however I don't understand our agent nor SirPrimalform. Are you guys fascists trying to signal Hitler who you are? Or maybe are you all three fascists/Hitler and scene gave you the signal how to vote to show yourselves?
rtcvb32: It is curious that sometimes the fascists will vote together when they really shouldn't. So while this is a decent theory, there still isn't enough information yet if they are puppy-kicking facists (beyond what ZFR says publicly). Though we could refer to their previous voting record later once a couple policies are passed.

Regardless, let's see what Hitler Dog says...
Hitler was apparently big on animal rights to be fair. He liked German Shepards, this is probably an argument for ZFR being Liberal. Unless ofcourse he's just a fascist pretending to enjoy kicking dogs.
zeogold: Top-down is better, but then I can't catch the avatars. Or at least, I could, but then I'd need to modify the little stand things and put the images on squares instead. And that'd be more work. Like, at least 5 clicks more work. Totally not worth it.
rtcvb32: Or... make new cards with the avatars on each card and have it lay flat next to affiliation/role?
You're right. But that would take at least 4 clicks more work, and is thus completely out of the question.
The Great Zenefredi strokes his mustache thoughtfully before turning to the most trustworthy in his mind, the ever-familiar Captain Sapphire. "You know," he says, "I could use a bit of that Saturday-morning magic to my performances. How would you like to have those powers of yours be real on the stage?"
"But...but...they're already real!" pouts Captain Sapphire as he signs the contract. Zenefredi snaps his fingers, whereupon his signature appears automatically on the page, and hands the contract to Bookwyrm.
"Right, then," says Bookwyrm, "everything seems to be in order. We will book you a Vegas show, dahlings. But we must have more! MORE! We cannot properly get these acts in order without more contracts!"
The Puzzlemaster idly scans the writing of the paper. "Looks like a liberal enough of a policy," he mutters.
"NEXT!" yells Bookwyrm.

A liberal policy has been passed.
The current president is trentolf, who must pick a chancellor. The chancellor cannot be anybody who was part of the previous government (ZFR and JoeSapphire).

Here's a picture:
Post edited January 13, 2019 by zeogold
flubbucket: Why did you Vote No??
supplementscene: I take it you haven't been reading the thread?
If you mean your walls and walls and walls of extremely pertinent monologue, then no.

I only have 24 hours in my day here.
I plan to nominate flub as my Chancellor, thoughts?
So, ZFR What policies did you get/pass?

JoeSapphire, since a liberal policy was passed did you get a choice or two liberal cards?

I suppose if no one wants to talk about this, then that's fine too. Watching TB's Secret Hitler games i saw a lot of meta gaming and stuff going on based on 'i gave you a choice' and 'no you liar, he's a fascist' talk :P

Course going on only what they feel on sharing could leave a lot more in the dark and a lot more guessing what the hell is going on.
Yrs, ZFR, what was your draw and what did you pass on?
@Joe did you get LL or FL?

@ZFR what was your draw please?
Echoing the same question(s).

The result is a good start, but not exactly unexpected. With FFF being quite unlikely a Fascist might decide to pass on a Liberal card too. A Hitler would definitely pass on or enact L, since he has to appear to be the most liberal of all liberals. And a team of Liberals would definitely try to enact a Liberal policy.
LLF. Passed LF.

Will post more from home.
agentcarr16: I think that electing a government should be done carefully and with due thought.
Assuming you're being serious, could *any* of those people who voiced this sentiment actually answer my question: what's there to discuss on first nomination?

There is no voting record, no policy record. So what's there to deliberate on? Trying to outguess zeo's randomizer? Hoping one of the fascists admits?

I can understand people not wanting to use, but whatever method they use it should be done quickly. Seriously, games here are slow enough as they are.
trentonlf: I plan to nominate flub as my Chancellor, thoughts?
I would vote ja.
trentonlf: I plan to nominate flub as my Chancellor, thoughts?
Any reason?
That LLF worries me. It's just as unlikely as FFF. It could be true but it could also be a ploy to hide a L, thus having justification later to giving a FF to someone.