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trentonlf: The simple fact is it’s round 1, there is zero information to go on, and you’re trying to accuse people based on absolutely nothing. Trying to make people look bad before anything has even happened is casting shade. Let the game develop and then we can analyze actions and behavior, but at this point it makes it look like you’re doing the LAMISL (look at me I’m so liberal).
supplementscene: I disagree, we should always analyse behaviour and ask questions because behaviour is information. In the last game I asked 'why did Bler and Trent leave my wagon early if they believe I'm the best wagon for hitting mafia'. It turned out both were Mafia players but no one ran with that query. How did Bler know I maybe killed during the night, which he said in the start of Day 2. No one asked that either. When the group don't ask questions they don't get answers.

This game I even went to the bother of getting the initial table line up to see if that would confirm or deny ZFRs intent. In fact it turns out ZFR didn't know his alignment when he made that request but it was worth investigating motivations in theory.

And you've actually contradicted yourself because you've Scum read me because of my analysis. Yet you haven't bothered to pick apart my analysis on it's merits. You've merely accused me of 'throwing shade', as if Scumhunting and providing analysis isn't pro town. This lack of analysis makes me question your intent.
LOL, there’s been nothing to analyze so your analysis has no merit. You’re making up things to analyze and trying to make it look like you’re trying to figure the game out and being a good liberal, but nothing has happened that can be analyzed. The only thing to happen other than you trying to cast shade on people is ZFR nominated Joe for chancellor. He explicitly said he used to choose who to be chancellor before he even knew his alignment. I believe him as he always uses at the start of games. Now if you think he’s lying then as the game progresses watch how he behaves and what he does to confirm your suspicions, but trying to cast shade on him for doing something he does every game is you trying to push an agenda before anything has happened.
trentonlf: but trying to cast shade on him for doing something he does every game is you trying to push an agenda before anything has happened.
Is you accusing supplementscene of trying to push an agenda for something he does every game trying to push an agenda?
trentonlf: but trying to cast shade on him for doing something he does every game is you trying to push an agenda before anything has happened.
JoeSapphire: Is you accusing supplementscene of trying to push an agenda for something he does every game trying to push an agenda?
I didn't realize that supplementscene tried to cast shade on someone every game at the start of the game before anything has happened. So I guess your saying I should just let him cast shade at the beginning of a game because he always does that?
JoeSapphire: Is you accusing supplementscene of trying to push an agenda for something he does every game trying to push an agenda?
trentonlf: I didn't realize that supplementscene tried to cast shade on someone every game at the start of the game before anything has happened. So I guess your saying I should just let him cast shade at the beginning of a game because he always does that?
I don't see why you should try and stop him.

All we're doing right now is waiting around for SirPrimalform to move the game forwards. I don't always agree with the things supplementscene writes, but I enjoy getting an insight into his thought processes. I don't see why that's a problem.
trentonlf: He explicitly said he used to choose who to be chancellor before he even knew his alignment.
Sorry, just to clarify: I aksed the order of players to be randomized before I knew my alignment (see my first post in this thread).

I already knew my alignment (Liberal, if anyone's curious) when I used to pick Joe.
trentonlf: I didn't realize that supplementscene tried to cast shade on someone every game at the start of the game before anything has happened. So I guess your saying I should just let him cast shade at the beginning of a game because he always does that?
JoeSapphire: I don't see why you should try and stop him.

All we're doing right now is waiting around for SirPrimalform to move the game forwards. I don't always agree with the things supplementscene writes, but I enjoy getting an insight into his thought processes. I don't see why that's a problem.
The problem is not that he’s putting his thoughts out there, the problem is he’s casting shade on someone and trying to base it on nothing.

Maybe you’re ok with someone doing that, I’m not.
JoeSapphire: I don't see why you should try and stop him.

All we're doing right now is waiting around for SirPrimalform to move the game forwards. I don't always agree with the things supplementscene writes, but I enjoy getting an insight into his thought processes. I don't see why that's a problem.
trentonlf: The problem is not that he’s putting his thoughts out there, the problem is he’s casting shade on someone and trying to base it on nothing.

Maybe you’re ok with someone doing that, I’m not.
There's been times when he's said he thinks ZFR's playing liberal, and times when he thinks ZFR's playing fascist. It doesn't really seem like throwing shade - which has connotations of being personal, malicious and underhanded, but more thinking out loud.

But also if there's ever a time where throwing shade is an acceptable thing to do, it's in a game of forum mafialike.
Do I want people to be influenced by erronious conclusions? No
Do I want erronious conclusions to go unquestioned? No
Do I want to prevent people making erronious conclusions in the first place? NEVER

vote for joe
trentonlf: It looks like SirPrimalform is who we are waiting on. It shows who has voted where all our names are listed in the OP.
Apollo Jones voted last night!
trentonlf: It looks like SirPrimalform is who we are waiting on. It shows who has voted where all our names are listed in the OP.
SirPrimalform: Apollo Jones voted last night!
what did you vote?
trentonlf: The problem is not that he’s putting his thoughts out there, the problem is he’s casting shade on someone and trying to base it on nothing.

Maybe you’re ok with someone doing that, I’m not.
JoeSapphire: There's been times when he's said he thinks ZFR's playing liberal, and times when he thinks ZFR's playing fascist. It doesn't really seem like throwing shade - which has connotations of being personal, malicious and underhanded, but more thinking out loud.

But also if there's ever a time where throwing shade is an acceptable thing to do, it's in a game of forum mafialike.
Do I want people to be influenced by erronious conclusions? No
Do I want erronious conclusions to go unquestioned? No
Do I want to prevent people making erronious conclusions in the first place? NEVER

vote for joe
His comment to ZFR about lying and not trusting him out of game ever again if he was lying was casting shade. I never once said every comment he’s made was casting shade. I could give you a long list of issues I have with scene’s play, but that’s not the point of the game and would be poor sportsmanship and I don’t play that way. But I have no issue calling him out when I believe he’s pushing an agenda. Not sure why he has an agenda to make ZFR look bad, but that’s how I see it.
trentonlf: His comment to ZFR about lying and not trusting him out of game ever again if he was lying was casting shade.
He said 'I don't think you are lying, but if you were I'd never trust you out of game again.' [iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinterpolated] - Saying that you think someone's honest doesn't seem like shade to me. Really it seems like the opposite of shade. Brightness? Shaft of light? Super Sapphire Beams?
SirPrimalform: Apollo Jones voted last night!
JoeSapphire: what did you vote?
I can't remember!
JoeSapphire: what did you vote?
SirPrimalform: I can't remember!
well change your vote! there's still time

then tell us what you changed it to
SirPrimalform: I can't remember!
JoeSapphire: well change your vote! there's still time

then tell us what you changed it to
But if I change it then all I'll know is that it's the opposite of what it was before!
JoeSapphire: well change your vote! there's still time

then tell us what you changed it to
SirPrimalform: But if I change it then all I'll know is that it's the opposite of what it was before!
Perfect! Change it, find out what you voted in the first place, then tell us what it was.