Posted February 21, 2019

I have sense of dread for the game, but the most dread I feel is to have people sneer at what I say because you assume I'm lying, which makes me want to make only flub-style, single-ambiguous-statement posts for the rest of the game. But I'll continue to try. If I get too frustrated and flip out and cause a big scene again, please try to understand how frustrating it is that I am right, lifthrasil is discrediting me and people are trusting him. It's a fairly painful sense of stress that probably isn't good for a body.
Anyway, that's addressing my dread of emotions. Now to address dread for the game.
Why would lifthrasil pass the liberal policy?
1 - purely to make me look bad. This is our best hope, and I don't think it very likely, but a lot of me acutely believes that this whole game is all about me.
2 - to gain trust so that he can do something later. I'm not really sure what that could be. People are already considering him for president, but if his plan is just to nominate hitler himself, his presidency seems a long way off and, on the face of it, he's put the liberals into a very strong position.
3 - for ZFR and lifthrasil to gain trust so that ZFR can dictate the rest of the game. It might be a most intense case of 'Oh My Most-Rockin-Hot-Bod U Suk!' , but ZFR sucks sulphur-spewing hellteets and uploads videos of it to youtube, and then writes provocative messages in the comments section. It seems to me that the fascist team is ZFR, lifthrasil, rttvb and hitler. ZFR's talking about nominating pooka, so pooka's who I reckon hitler to be right now, but it seems a bit early to be showing his hand. If ZFR's not fascist... hm. I was going to say I'm going to demand so much grovelling from him when we lose, but if ZFR's liberal it seems unlikely that we will lose. Unless he now trusts lifthrasil so much that he'll let lifthrasil pick hitler as chancellor for him.
Right. Please be gentle with your dismissal of all my theories.