Posted May 18, 2018
Lifthrasil: However, from what you wrote I would read you as a liberal. The problem is your predecessor. RW started to lose it about when things got tight for the fascists. After the 4-th L was passed.
That's the crux of the problem. The issue was not with anything RW did, but with his nature, and Brasas nicely capitalized on that, knowing the type of person RW is. Between that and scene blatantly lying in his accusations (he admitted he had no proof of the first ones; I asked him to deliver proof of the most recent ones but highly doubt he'll deliver), we were suddenly the bad guys. Look at what the new player has written. I'm making an "At(anti)E" to you, since I'm leaning on you being L. Because of what I think was Greek's biggest slip:
Lifthrasil: Definitely. If the third F policy is passed, we have to be very careful about the Chancellor. So blacklisting Greek and me, especially as chancellors, would be a necessary move.
greeklover: What??? What is this about blacklisting especially if I clear you? Look at all the small stuff:
_ His insistence on being chancellor after you, not president (for a liberal it shouldn't matter that much), only recently changed his mind.
_ His early insistence of quickly cycling back to him.
_ His subconsciously always posting that there will be a next government, (without adding "ifs").
_ Brasas's default NO (signalling to Hitler?).
_ "I know what you're doing Brasas". And 2 days later "forgetting" what it was all about (!).
_ Him getting very defensive when I said his joke was LAMIST. Sure, a joke could be a joke, we all do it, but look not at the joke but the way he responded. Instead of simply dismissing it he made a ridiculous attack against me ("it's suspicious you responded so late!!!").
_ He asked for proof he's HItler, and when I responded with one and said I'd post more later, he said "Yes I'm Hitler. Don't post walls of text". I'm not referring to his shitposting, but to the second part "Don't post walls of text". Why ask for proof if you don't want to hear the answer?
_ Him constantly saying how you're the most trusted liberal, hoping that by association, since he's the one who cleared you, it makes him trusted too.
Lift, I'm not 100% sure if you're liberal, but if you are please take the above into consideration.
If you consider a (dedo, Brasas, scene + greek H) team then Brasas government L policy becomes clear. With an F policy they're practially dead, and we could have picked the remaining 2 L's at our leisure.
greeklover: I considered you the safety net for chancellor in case Lift drew FFF which is quite possible. If we pick you as chancellor now, what's the backup plan for the next chancellor?
Hehehe. "Quite possible" since you hid one L? Lift, see this is the danger of artificially limiting ourselves to to You-Greek-Brasas-scene-dedo now. Even if 2 among those are fascists, and at least 2 have to be, then between "I drew FFF" while hiding Ls and blaming the other guy, they can go far and win the long way.